Thursday, June 29, 2017


Maybe Sinclair Lewis got the title CAN happen here.....

Baby Orange tweets of Mika Brzezinski's "Bleeding face-lift...." .....but can't seem to find the time to read or understand the Health Care bill......and the waking nightmare the way, if our own face glowed like a bloated, mutated Jack 'O Lantern, we'd think twice about commenting on anyone else's visage.......

Melania Trump's Anti-Cyber-bullying crusade.... How's that goin', anyway? When's the first all night telethon?  Who's hosting.....Bill 'O Reilly?

Mitch McConnell  A Dr. Suess character warped through a funhouse mirror.....Yertle The Turtle's evil twin......leaving a trail of disease-stricken, uninsured Americans in his wake.....and like the giant Japanese turtle-monster Gamera, he rotates on his own generated hot air....

Trumpkins......make sure you remember to tip your MAGA caps when the 1 percenters drive by you in their BMWs......they bought 'em with the extra cash they got from your leader's rich-folk tax cuts....

Cosby contemplates Town Hall seminars......on sexual assault?  Wouldn't dare miss it.....we heard every attendee receives a free Jello pudding pop.....and special bonus guests on tap....The former captain of the Exxon "Valdez" will discuss safe boating......Dick Cheney will also lecture on "Successful Modern Warfare",,,,,

Sarah Huckabee Sanders.....All Hail the new Director Of The Ministry Of Truth.....and hands down co-winner, along with Sean Spicer of this year's George Orwell Double-Speak Award....a specially crafted gold-plated turd......

Sean Hannity......doesn't yet realize he's a minor character from "Indiana Jones And The Temple Of Doom".....he's one of those sorry turban guys stuck on the collapsed bridge ladder next to Mola Ram....sooner or later, Mola Trump will kick him off the ladder, sending him plunging down to the crocs below......

Michael Bay and his 5th Transformer movie.....a living, massive, malignant cancer on civilization at large.......if Baby Orange won re-election, all movies would look like this.......

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