Saturday, June 17, 2017


"What legal basis do you have for not answering our questions?"   New government response: "I don't feel like it.....I don't wanna....."     The BQ used to try that on our mom when we were growing up......usually earning us a smack across the behind..... there's something for Congress to consider.....

Baby Orange cracks down on Cuba.....New executive orders:  On  all "Fate Of The Furious" DVDs and Blu-Rays, locale of the the first ten minutes has been changed from Havana to Scottsdale, Arizona......strategic drone strikes over Cuba will target every automobile older than 1960.....

White House lawyers up........Billable hours will exceed the national debt.....

The middle-of-the-night tweetstorms.......maybe all Trumpaholics should ask themselves if this is really what they signed up for....... their idol watching cable news all day, tweeting all night.....maybe they should ask when he ever finds time to do his job.....

Ivanka can't comprehend...."the viciousness"......Very nice of Glinda The Good Witch to lend Ivanka that bubble to float around in......

Megyn Kelly's hard-hitting interviews....Can't wait for her one-on-one with Assad......"So Mr. Assad, you do realize that some kids would rather opt out of inhaling poison gas.....right?"

Another rogue cop exonerated from executing a black man....the real question worth did this miserable little coward even get on the police force to begin with.....shrieking like a little girl while he pumped bullets into a guy sitting in a car.....

Tom mad would your evil cult Overloards be with you if you went back to real acting?  And went back to real acting in actual movies?

North Korea.....American kids receives a get-out-of-jail card only after they've turn his brains into mush......which still makes the kid smarter than Dennis Rodman.....

Bill Cosby..... enjoy your momentary triumph......meanwhile, the entire world still knows what you're like with the 'America's Dad' mask taken off........

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