Sunday, June 4, 2017


Rasputin, The Mad Monk (1966)  Watching Sir Christopher Lee romp through this Hammer cheapie as the creepy self proclaimed holy man-healer gave us the willies.......thinking about its relation to current events......

            What a made-for-horror film creature Rasputin is......a scheming slimeball who manages to place himself in the halls of power, a walking poison pill who infects a the rulers of a powerful nation, contributing to their downfall.....

             Hmmm........where have we heard this before? Oh yeh......the which the tubby Lord of Alt-right Darkness exerted his influence on our weak-minded, ignoramus now we stand apart from the civilized world, but alongside those bastions of integrity and intelligence, Nicaragua and Syria......

             Steve Bannon may look like a harmless guy who rides around in a motorized Wal-Mart shopping cart, but if you peer into his dark, soulless heart, then Christopher Lee's Rasputin is the perfect embodiment of him......a tall, growling heavily bearded ogre with mad bulging eyes and crooked steam-shovel hands made for strangling....

             At one point, Lee hypnotizes one his victims, murmuring to her, "....destroy yourself."   When you consider the sight of large chunks of the arctic breaking off, we can easily imagine Steve Bannon whispering the same thing to Baby Orange...("destroy yourself....and the planet, while you're at it....") He wouldn't have even had to use hypnosis, since Baby Orange already dwells in a semi-comatose cloud of his own ego.....

             We had the best time watching Christopher Lee's raging, rampaging Rasputin, wishing his performance graced a much better movie than this one, typical Hammer boilerplate.....with about as much relation to truth and historical accuracy as a Baby Orange midnight tweet.....

             For the joy of watching Sir Chris's outrageous, outsized villainy, we'll give 3 stars (***).....for the real life Rasputin who counsels a President far, far stupider than the Czar and Czarina put together, we can only resort to minus numbers.......minus infinite stars.....


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