Wednesday, May 31, 2017


"I have the best words..." don't.

Baby Orange Leaves The Paris Climate Accords....  The only scientists the U.S. believes in now....the chemists who mixed that orange stuff that goes on his face and hair......

The Kushner-ator to take a leave of absence??  No...No,....can't happen.Not possible......who would run the country?  Who would create peace and harmony throughout the Middle East, the world and all known planets?

"Baywatch" dies..... and for one brief shining moment.....the world is a better place.

The Portland hate crime stabbing scumbucket....Take a good look at this guy.....he's as much a child of Trump's as Ivanka.........

Sean Hannity........Lego Psycho

Tiger Woods asleep at the wheel from his meds   Says Bill Cosby, "What is he, nuts? Any idiot knows that stuff's for girls......"

CNN fires Kathy Griffin.....officially confirming what the entire civilized world has known for decades.....she's not funny.

Lebanon bans "Wonder Woman" cause Gal Godot's Isreali......Jared Kushner has ordered stern retaliation......only prints of "Baywatch" and "CHIPS" will be exported to Lebanon for the remainder of the year.......

Trump staffers consider vetting his tweets....They'll be the ones that end with...#whack-a-doodle"...

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