Saturday, May 6, 2017


Nothing like a good weekend rant to clear the sinuses.......

Republicans  "Woo hoo! We just screwed over millions of poor suckers!  Especially those dumb bastards in the red MAGA caps........wait'll they start dying from their pre-existing conditions! Whoopie!  Eeee-hah! Gimme five!  Thank God we got lots 'o health care!  Sucks for old farts and poor people, don't it? Well, what hell.....they probably had one foot in the grave anyway. Yaaaayy!"

              Reminds us of those horror movies where the loathsome creature rips off its fake human face to reveal what's underneath. had a good look at the real face of Republicans.....

TrumPutin.....Oh where or where to begin. He thinks Kim Jung Un is "one smart cookie."   Big surprise.....maybe he and Kim can start a Facebook community where thin-skinned psychotics with a threadbare connection to reality can bond with each other.....

Trump voters   When bunches of them start dropping dead when they can't make the premiums or co pays on their Trumpcare policies.....we hope and pray their loved ones will remember to bury or cremate them with those red  "Make America Great Again" caps still on their heads......

Comey  It makes him 'mildly nauseous' that he might have influenced the election.....Mildly?  It made millions of other people throw up altogether.......

Hilary Clinton   Oh shut up about your coulda/shoulda/ were a dream come true for Pumpkinhead.....the only candidate someone as wretched as him could possibly defeat.....weighed down with enough scandals to sink you to the bottom of the Pacific ocean's deepest trench........and what kind of savvy politico would be stupid enough to refer to her opponent's supporters as a 'basket of deplorables'?

Paul Ryan   Emboldened by his fresh health care 'triumph', he can now pursue his master plan for Medicare.......that's where if the stock market goes up a few points, Paul will send you a coupon for one low dose aspirin......and don't get smart and think you're gonna get a regular sized aspirin out of it either.....

The YouTube family.... parents who scored loads of cash posting videos of  themselves pranking their kids into terrified two have shared a long term pre-existing condition....having both been born as sociopathic jackasses....but we don't think the new health care plan covers an intelligence transplant.....

Power mad flight attendants.... Maybe a thin oxygen supply on planes turns them into would be Kim Jung Uns......instead of offering you a pillow, now they threaten to take your children away from you.....the only thing that Delta medusa forgot to yell at the family....."and we'll get your little dog too!"

               Thanks for stopping in.....have a great weekend!

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