Tuesday, May 2, 2017


Rogue One (2016)  As you dear visitors know, the BQ normally never rushes out to view the latest tentpole multi-plex blockbuster unless dragged kicking and screaming by Beloved Daughter....as in the recent 'Fast and Furiosa' demolition derby......

             So we'll just skim across 'Rogue One', the last 'Star Wars' film that rolled off the Disney assembly line some five and a half months ago.....

              The director... Not a big fan of this guy.....he spent  175 million or whatever on a Godzilla film that barely had Godzilla in it.....like he was spending the national debt to make a really long trailer for the next Godzilla movie.....didn't surprise us at all that Disney decreed reshoots and rewrites for his Star Wars effort....this film was way way above his limited abilities....

              Forest Whitaker   Saw Gerrara? Perfect name.....in that they made him look like he survived all of the "Saw" movies, with only a few body parts left intact. An extreme extremist? Makes us wonder if the Rebel Alliance has an 'extremists conduct code'......note to future Star Wars writers......there are very few rebel alliances who think the end doesn't justify the means....check your history....

              The Mothers of all battles....we can imagine Disney executives planning this film...."..let's cut out all that characterization and empathy crap....and give 'em non stop battles.....2 friggin' hours of Imperial Stormtroopers tossed around like bowling pins....yeah, baby!"  One of these skirmishes uncomfortably mimics a Middle East firefight in Iraq or Syria......and if you're doing a strict comparison, that would make us the Stormtroopers....

               The dead are alive.... Our own personal opinion.....we would have rather they found a talented actor who resembled Peter Cushing rather than digitally resurrecting him from the grave....yes, we know the brilliant technology exists.....to us, anyway, it still looks creepy and immediately takes out of the movie......

              The Disney-fication of Star Wars....this movie's a prime example of what everyone feared about Disney swallowing up Star Wars......without the guiding hand of J.J.Abrams (who safely and wisely used Episode IV as a blueprint for his film) this Disney-mandated sequel reeks of corporate product......slick, ultra-professional, machine-tooled and completely lacking any character and distinctive artistic identity of its own.  Tasteless Disney spam, untouched by human hands....

              Anything we liked?  As a huge fan of the Zatoichi films, we loved, loved loved the blind Samurai guy. We could have watched a whole movie devoted to him alone.......

              The upshot? BQ recommends that Disney stop the strip mining of Star Wars past history, (advice they've already ignored with their young Han Solo epic in the pipeline)......it didn't work out too well for George Lucas's 'pre-quels' and the Mouse House isn't faring any better. with that plain either. We're still dying to see the new trilogy's continuation in Star Wars VIII, but as for 'Rogue One'........only a couple of less-than-galactic stars....(**)....may the the force be with them next time...

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