Wednesday, May 17, 2017


All The President's Men (1976)   You don't need a better example of how much faster the world moves than watching Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein (Robert Redford, Dustin Hoffman) doggedly unravel the Watergate scandal.......

            Because Nixon and his gang considered themselves such a crafty, manipulative, stealthy bunch, the painstaking process of shedding the light of day on them took laborious years....

            And the impending dread and fear for the fate of the country was palpable.....well orchestrated by the film's director Alan Pakula, who'd already displayed his skill at depicting paranoid nailbiting in his 1974 conspiracy thriller, "The Parallax View"...(a huge fave of the BQ, covered in a previous post)

             When Robert Redford nervously walked down dead-of-night D.C. streets, you fully expected Richard Nixon to pop out from behind a mailbox and go "Booga Booga!"

             A silly notion when you think about it......except that now we have such a jack-in-the-box clown for real, shouting "Booga Booga!" to all of us and the entire world.......

              Compare the ever so slowly evolving events dramatized in the film to the dizzying, breakneck speed of today's current events.......similar to watching "All The President's Men" with your finger permanently jammed into the Fast Forward button......

             Pundits, anchors, and politicians have fallen all over themselves comparing this continuous boiling mess to Watergate....and comparing Richard Nixon to the current walking-upright virus infecting the White House......

             Wrong. Two different individuals.....and a different set of dangers hanging over the country. We humbly supply this quick and easy guide.....

             Tricky-Dick  A criminal at heart, but possessed of a wickedly crafty intelligence and a command of statecraft.....useful not just for covering up his crimes, but sanely navigating the choppy political and diplomatic seas facing the leader of the free world....he knew right from wrong, but for him, both options were always on the table.....

             Baby Orange   An infant at heart, spoiled since birth and knowing only tantrums as a form of expression.  Unschooled and ignorant of virtually everything in the world around him....which for him, revolves around him.  Right and wrong hold no meaning as concepts to him.....the only thing real to him....his delusional sense of himself as the Sun in his own personal solar system

             Tricky Dick,,,,surrounded himself with a seemingly intelligent collection of educated, experienced equals......most of whom found themselves indicted as co-conspirators...

             Baby Orange.....has mostly grovelling minions in his employ,,,,,,the equivalent of those faceless dozens in the spiffy jump suits working for Blofeld in the early James Bond movies.....they live only to serve, even if Baby Orange presses his foot on the secret button that drops them into the piranha pool......good news for the ones who survive....unlike the Nixon crowd, they'll likely escape prosecution since their employer never told them anything true anyway.....

             Tricky Dick.....always carefully calculated his every thought and action in terms of how affected his place in history....

             Baby Orange....calculates nothing, thinks of nothing.....other than immediate gratification and self aggrandizement......a egotist who spends his entire life 'living in the moment' with access to the nuclear codes....(think about that for a minute.....)

             And that, BQ visitors, explains why "All The President's Men" unfolds over several years, while the current avalanche of lunacy has engulfed the nation in a little over a hundred days......nobody has to dig very far to uncover evidence of treason and obstruction of justice.....not when it's already put brazenly on display by its very perpetrator,......

             For "All The President's Men", we give all our 5 stars (*****),a FIND OF FINDS.....and we'll eagerly line up for the inevitable film version of the ultimate takedown of Baby Orange....we guarantee it'll have a faster pace than its l976 predecessor......and for the sake of us all and the United States Of American,  it can't come soon enough.....

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