Friday, October 4, 2024


Trump calls Kamala Harris 'mentally disabled' says the man who shrieked before a national audience  "They're eating the geese! They're eating the dogs! They're eating the cats!"

Melania Trump declares in her book that she supports a woman's right to choose whether to have an abortion, prompting Trump to encourage her to feel free to speak her mind.....explaining in a press conference, "Listen, she's Melania,  beloved by everyone, so she's got special privileges to do whatever she wants.....the rest of you women just shut the hell up and squeeze out those babies like me and my Supreme Court told you to.....especially you raped 12 years olds who think you're so special..."

When pointedly asked by Tim Walz is he thinks the 2020 election was stolen, J.D. Vance replies, "Tim, I'm focused on the future..."....but microphones didn't pick up the rest of his answer, "and right now I'm focused on a future where Trump doesn't have to send people out to hang me by the neck until dead right outside the Capitol building...."

In prosecutor Jack Smith's new Jan. 6 evidence against Trump, Trump is heard to say, "So what?" when told Pence had to be rushed out of the Capitol building overrun with Trump supporters who called for his hanging........"I swear I never asked anybody to hang him, that was the crowd's idea, God bless 'em. I only suggested milder stuff....ya know, like tar and feathers, whipping, maybe a little waterboarding or a jumbo enema....maybe two or three of those..."

Thursday, October 3, 2024


 Megalopolis (2024)    Depending on your critical viewpoints, you can approach this film in multiple ways.

         You many toss it off as another sad case of a director who didn't heed that well worn phrase, 'be careful what you wish for. After years of toying with the idea of making their elusive 'dream project, a few directors actually get a chance to make that happen...... and then have their hearts broken and souls crushed when the film of their dreams ends up critically shredded, ridiculed and most cruelly......ignored. 

         Or you might simply ignore the film's tortured origin story and dispassionately view it as just another new movie that opened last week.....reviewing it on its immediate merits without considering the director labored on it for his entire adult life.

         As for BQ, a lifelong cinephile, we can't help taking in "Megalopolis" as what its creator Francis Ford Coppola intended....a total summing up his lifetime of filmmaking creativity.  Whatever's been percolating in Coppola's mind since he started making movies in 1956, it's all on display here - the imagination, visual dreams, the art and science of film and finally, after a long life richly lived, his own worldview and future hopes. 

             It's the very definition of a dream project, sure enough, in that it's half fantasy and half gritty reality mixed at high speed in a blender. Like an actual waking dream, most of it looks impossibly senseless, with characters and settings warped into extravagant directions. 

             But let's get down to the basic questions. Is it any good? Is it watchable or a complete waste of time?  Interesting? Fascinating? Boring? Maddening? Nothing more than director's inflated ego trip? Or maybe a masterpiece....of sorts? Or a total disasterpiece?

           Our basic answer:  All of the above. 

           Let's just say. It's an experience that washes over you.  There's a treasure trove of stuff to enjoy, but also just as much stuff to make you roll your eyes and groan. This kind of fearless, over-the-top, wildly ambitious filmmaking that that hasn't been seen in decades.....because very few directors would take such risks that could make them look foolish, out-of-touch, and nothing more than a fake poseur with a bloated opinion of their own artistic worth. 

           Francis Ford Coppola took all those risks. He swung for the fences, crafted an epic story that ultimately articulates how he sees the world as it is and how he'd like it to be.  And put it all up on the screen for everyone to see. 

            From the dismal box office numbers, the mass audiences that assembled for "Beetlejuice Beetlejuice" and "Deadpool & Woverine" stayed away in droves.  And those who did show up out of curiosity turned their noses up. 

              As for us?  Some of it we reveled in, some of it we couldn't stand, some of it plain wore us out. Our overall sense of it:  if Coppola had only organized his ideas and disciplined his storytelling, if he'd paid as much attention to potential audiences as he did to the messy collision of visions in his head........who knows?

             Since Coppola went way out on limb to make 'Megalopolis', then we'll go out on limb in this prediction:  Maybe decades from now, critics and audiences will re-discover this film, unearth it from obscurity and give it a whole new evaluation from the one you're reading here. 

              Will they be right? Promise you'll hold a seance to let me know........

              Anything's possible. 2 & 1/2 stars (**1/2)....(for  no other reason than you're not likely to ever see a filmmaker try a movie like this in your lifetime....)

Tuesday, October 1, 2024


 Society Of Lies by Lauren Ling Brown (2024)

     Every time I find myself hooked by a college set thriller like this one, I wonder how I managed to get out of college alive.

      But then I didn't go to Princeton, which 'Society Of Lies' depicts of as a viper's nest of corruption, murder and high level corporate wheeling and dealing that stretches from the campus quads to Wall Street's most wealthy and powerful one-percenters.

     Two sisters, generations apart, face way more than keeping their GPA up, as three separate timelines unfold.. In present day, alumni Maya, returns to campus for her 10 year reunion and to celebrate the graduation of her beloved kid sister Naomi. But Naomi's found dead as a result of a suspicious drowning accident. And in her sister's death, Maya's forced to re-live the same kind of traumatic events and danger she experienced as an undergrad. . Because just like her big sister, Naomi also joined an exclusive club whose membership allowed her a place in the Greystone Society, an all-powerful cabal dedicated to the financial achievement of its members. And those who dare to expose or thwart Greystone in any way, put themselves at high risk of their lives.

     As Maya probes into Naomi's death, parallel past timelines show the sisters' separate but similar entanglements with the evil and influential Greystone Society, whose tentacles stretch in all directions and whose members aren't above murdering anyone posting a threat to their power.

     For me that's a surefire recipe for a fast, zip-through-the-pages suspense thriller loaded up with twists and surprises right to the very end. Not to mention making me breathe a sigh of relief that the Greystone Society is fictitious........we hope. 

             5 stars (*****)......good, twisty back-to-school fun.


 Killer House Party by Lily Anderson (2024)

     Now here's a blood dripping heap of haunted house YA fun for the spooky season......(or any other random cold, dark night.).

     A worthy, clever set-up premise for a night of non-stop screaming scares.......High school senior Arden's seen her college dreams dissolved by her own parents. Not only are the two real estate agents divorcing, they've used their daughter's college fund to buy Deinhart Manor, the town's infamous, forbidding haunted house
     While her parents dream of turning the place into condos, Arden plots a way to recover her college money - swipe the keys to Deinhart Manor and charge her senior class members admission into a giant all-night haunted house party. There's only one problem facing Arden and her friends Maddie May, Remi, Hannah, and Arden's on-and-off boy-frenemy, Nathanial. The house is seriously haunted.......showers of blood, walls that come alive with grasping hands and the power to turn the hearty partygoers into zombie-fied, murdering fiends.. Oh my, what a fun night lies ahead......well at least for those who survive it, if any.

     The festering, hungry evil that permeates the house then renders the doors and windows impervious to breakage, locking everyone in with the intention of adding to its growing list of dead residents. So it's up to Arden and her ragtag Scooby gang to rescue themselves and their classmates as they try to get to the heart of the house's attitude problem. This place makes 'The Shining' hotel look like the Brady Bunch house and these kids surely don't want to die hard in the Deinhart.

     To what I'm sure will be the readers' delight, Arden and company manage to navigate Deinhart Manor's endless array of pop-up horrors with a non-stop barrage of snarky repartee right out of 'Buffy The Vampire Slayer'. Even when they're waist deep in ghosts, gore and other assorted grisly stuff, they're never at a loss for an lol commentary. (Probably a little too much of it and some of the gags don't land,, but with this amount of overkill on display, let's not quibble....)

     Anyone tired of watching 'Halloween' for the umpeenth time might want a grab a plastic pumpkin filled with candy corn and cuddle up with this one. After all, 'tis the season to say, "Boo!",

        4 stars (****)  Chill out with some chills 'n laughs...... 



  Some Like It Cold by Elle McNicoll (2024)

     Falling into (and for) this book was kind of like being enveloped in a long, loving warm hug...... or maybe binge watching multiple seasons of 'Gilmore Girls'.

     Like the TV show, we're in a snow-globe, never-neverland sweet little picture postcard town, filled with quirky characters who practically all know each other on a first name basis. And so obviously well-named......Lake Pristine.

     There's royalty of sorts......the well to do Montgomery clan, which include two completely opposite sisters.......the imperious, bossy (and now raging Bridezilla) Christine and the town's much beloved unofficial Princess, younger sister Jasper, just returned from college to attend Christine's grand New Year's Eve wedding.

     But neurodivergent Jasper's both exhausted and worried about all the secrets she's been keeping. The sweet-natured girl, forever fearful of people finding her autism odd and repellent, has always overplayed her role as a selfless people pleaser., hence her reputation. And she's no longer able to tolerate her parents' bullying her into pursuing law school, so she's secretly quit college and plans with apply to design school.

     If that isn't enough for Jasper, there's renewing her contentious encounters with grumpy Arthur Lancaster, that one boy in town who doesn't seem to like her.......or does he? Just a little? Maybe more than just a little? Could it be he's bonkers for her?

     Arthur and his brother run the town's main venue, the Arthouse multi-plex cinema and he and his cousin Marcus are filming a documentary on Lake Pristine at the very height of the town's winter activities - the 'Nutcracker' ballet, directed by Jasper and the wedding-frenzied Christine storming through town like a tornado. Amidst all this chaos, Arthur and Jaster frequently find themselves thrown together in one situation after another..........and this is where 'Some Like It Cold' will have you in perpetual heartache, sighing out loud and cheering on these two hurting souls to reach their inevitable conclusion.

      There's no other way to read this other than to surrender to it as it plays on your heartstrings with no mercy whatsoever until the end. It has the snap and crackle of 'Gilmore Girls' combined with the dreamy look of a small town in a Hallmark Christmas movie. If all that sounds enticing at all, then by all means treat yourself.. (True confession : this may be something I'd return to re-read just to re-visit and town and characters again.)

     5 stars (*****)  Best comfort read of the year, so far.