Tuesday, September 3, 2024


 What Time The Sexton's Blade Doth Rust by Alan Bradley (2024)

     This is one of those books that gives you such a pleasurable reading experience that you’re sorry to see it end, and you start missing the main characters as soon as if you’ve reached the last page.

     I’m at a loss as to who could resist the almost teen-aged Flavia de Luce – frighteningly erudite, wise beyond her years, and brilliant chemist whose mastery of poisons and assorted clues make her rival Sherlock Holmes. Not to mention her stream of devasting insights, observations and witticisms that make her sound like a wicked combination of Oscar Wilde, Noel Coward and George Bernard Shaw.

     As in the previous 10 episodes of this series, we’re back in early 1950’s post-war England, where the orphaned Flavia lives in her family’s country estate with her two older sisters. She’s currently being driven to the point of near murder by her wild-child, holy terror younger cousin Undine, who more than matches Flavia in her capacity boldness, outrageous behavior and overall troublemaking.

     Speaking of murder, there’s the question of who poisoned Major Grayleigh, a retired hangman who lived in a neighboring cottage. Suspicion falls on Flavia’s beloved family cook Mrs. Mullet, who also prepared the Major’s breakfast, but Flavia, of course, knows better. Cracking the case is up to her and longtime estate gardener Dogger, her partner-in-crime-solving and friend of her late father. Joining the hunt, whether anyone likes it or not, is the ever present, constantly infuriating but somehow strangely endearing Undine.

     But on her way to identifying the killer and motive, there’s some truly earthshaking twists and revelations in store for Flavia that go far beyond the murder of Major Grayleigh. It’s pure storytelling bliss to watch her face up to and defiantly face down some of the most daunting situations thrown in her path. And the wit and wisdom in her narration can leave you either smiling, laughing out loud and sighing for her……sometimes all in the same paragraph.

      If that isn’t a 5 star read, I don’t know what is. I don’t even want to think about the possibility of this being the last book in the series…too depressing to contemplate. Please, Alan Bradly.....way it isn't so.

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