Friday, October 6, 2023


 Kevin McCarthy, who lived like a worm, gets buried like a worm.....To add insult to injury, Donald Trump rescinds McCarthy's 4 hour guest pass for the Mar-A-Lago spa. Explained Trump, "No more masseuse back rubs for this loser, without a spine, he couldn't feel it anyway..."

McCarthy's temporary deal to save himself and prevent a shutdown includes a cutoff of Ukraine aid, just as Putin's forces are murdering more innocent women and children......Vladimir Putin extends a special invitation to Moscow for Matt Gaetz and the GOP Freedom Caucus....("I promised them only quality whores for the week they stay here.....I assured them I wouldn't stick 'em with the leftover girls Trump peed on....") 

Trump publicly whines like a toddler during his sentencing hearing for fraud.... New York trial for fraud while Attorney General Leticia James declares 'The Trump show is over"......"She lies!" Trump screams, "The show's not over till the fat guy sings!' You can see how much of bitch and a racist that racist bitch Attorney General is!  She's been caught red-handed dicriminating against orenge people!"

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