Tuesday, October 17, 2023


 The Horror At Pleasant Brook by Kevin Lucia (2023)

           This book holds no interest in being some kind of mainstream, all-demographics-included type of frightfest. Prepare yourself for a deep deep dive into a bottomless abyss of nihilistic carnage.

           We're talking hardcore, take-no-prisoners horror in all caps here........ drenched in nightmarish imagery, indescribable agonizing deaths, and enough gore that would require Hoover Dam to contain it all

            . And I promise I don't exaggerate. It's been awhile since I came across a book so dedicated to taking a reader on such an uncompromising hellish ride. And I loved every oozing blood-drenched page of it.

              Pleasant Brook's a sleepy little slip of a town nestled up among the Adirondacks. Unfortunately for its sparse population, one of its residents got a hold of an ancient relic, a grotesque mask that spawns a demonic entity who feeds on humankind. Not only feeds, but converts its horribly slaughtered victims into an army of similar creatures, all of them hive-connected to 'The First'.....human victim zero.

              From that point on the town's reduced to a small core number of terrified people who find themselves tasked with wiping out this horrific scourge........which begs the question, can any of them survive the climactic battle?

             And I should mention that author Kevin Lucia does a more than worthy job in fully bringing these characters to life so you care deeply for them and fear for their lives every step of the way.

            Just keep in mind, this one's not for casual browsers of mild scares and a slightly chilly atmosphere. This is 5 star raw meat, suitable for only the hardiest of horror lovers. Don't say you weren't warned.......5 stars (*****).

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