Friday, January 6, 2023


           When it comes to madness, dysfunction, stupidity and pathetic circus shows......nobody beats the GOP.......

The GOP "America's Got No Congress" untalent show.....No one can blame some Republican congressmen for losing their patience......the repeated failed votes to make Kevin McCarthy the Speaker Of The House have stopped them from commencing their vital agenda to benefit all Americans.....investigating Hunter Biden, Dr. Fauci, Liz Cheney, the FBI, Saturday Night Live and Dr. Suess.....

Kevin McCarthy loses vote after vote to make himself Speaker Of The House......prompting him to set up and man a booth on the floor of the House, with a sign reading, "Your ass kissed for free...all welcome..."

Matt Gaetz - The Man, The Myth, The Legend......currently his staff is swamped as they wade through 23 million "Thank You!" cards received after Gaetz threatened to resign. Republicans walked out during of efforts to nominate alternative Speaker candidates.....The Pillow Guy, Rudy Giuliani, The QAnon Shaman, Kari Lake and Vladimir Putin.  Claiming that Speaker Of The House needs "a youthful pressence", Gaetz is now auditioning 17 year old girls for the position.

Lauren Boebert - The Moron, The Myth, The Legend.....among her new proud accomplishments....running afoul of (we kid you not) Sean Hannity for bringing congress to a standstill.  Even managing to rile up Marjorie Taylor Green, an unconfirmed report claims Green personally pleaded with random Jewish people to point their Space Lasers at Boebert...

Representative -Elect George Santos - The Man, The Myth, The Legend, The Inventor Of Post-It notes, the creator of the Internet, Nobel Peace Prize Winner and Academy Award Nominee.....don't believe me? Just ask George......oops wait, he just lied about being sworn in...(which he wasn't)....

Donald Trump Jr. tries selling "We The People" bibles on social media.....for the low, low once-in-a-lifetime price of 70 dollars.....(which also includes a set of Tupperware containers and a bag of My Pillow stuffing). In the ads, Don Jr. excitedly promised, "You don't even have to read Dad and never sure wasted time with that holly roller bullshit.......all you need do to get right with the Lord is pick out any church to stand in front of with your new bible and hold it upside down!"

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