Wednesday, January 4, 2023


             Over the 2022 holidays, BQ, in the interests of family harmony and affection, bowed to the brilliant and beautiful BD (Beloved Daughter) for making Netflix selections......

             I now present to you the exhausting round-up of binges we plunged into through the holiday season and even into the New Year......

Emily In Paris (Season 3)    It doesn't require a degree in rocket science to understand why this series became one of Netflix's most beloved and simultaneously mocked hits.  The show's intentionally designed to function as the guiltiest pleasure imaginable......ridiculous in its plotting, a delusional MGM fantasy in its presentation of Paris and a laugh-out-loud burlesque-show parade of outrageous fashions.

            No wonder football star Peyton Manning embracing the show in a deadpan Saturday Night Live commentary became one of last year's most riotously funny pop culture moments......(and a crying shame, the show couldn't work out the logistics of giving him the Season 3 cameo we all begged for.....)

           What's truly brilliant....this show never has to change a single thing from one season to the next....pick any season at random, you've seen 'em all. But why deprive ourselves?  Who would dare miss Lily Collins juggle multiple romantic triangles while she sports outfits that look like she's trying out for "Barbarella 2"?   4 deeply guilty stars (****).

Ever After Happy (2022)  I'm still stunned and amazed that BD talked me into watching this movie, the 4rth (!!) of a series of thinly plotted, overheated drams that focus on the world's most toxic romance.  Sweet adorable girl (Josephine Langford) suffers no end of misery over her love for a brooding, spoiled  man-diva given to screaming tantrums. This miserable, insufferable twit, played to the obnoxious hilt by Hero Fiennes Tiffin embodies the very definition of The Wrong Guy......but whenever his ludicrous bad behavior pushes Langford to break up with him, you can bet they'll strip down for a bout of feverish make-up sex.  Yuck, yuck and quadruple yuck. Zero stars (0)

Glass Onion: A Knives Out Mystery (2022)   Regardless of how much money Netflix laid out to bring back Daniel Craig's modern day Hercule Poirot for multiple sequels, it couldn't guarantee the quality of the original witty, sharp-as-a-knife 'Knives Out'.

              But even if writer-director Rian Johnson can't quite duplicate the steel-trap, viciously clever twists of his first Agatha-Christie-On-Steroids whodunit, he still crafts a funny twisty romp, filled to the brim with an all star cast of unusual suspects for Craig's 'Benoit Blanc' to choose from. And it's very, very apparent Johnson took his primary inspiration from the 1973 ultra-puzzler "The Last Of Sheila", the games-gone-awry mystery famously written by actor Anthony Perkins and Broadway legend Stephen Sondheim (who in fact, makes a farewell cameo here.)  (Check out our 1/12/21 post on "Sheila")    'Glass Onion' ends up not having as many layers to peel as "Knives Out" but it's still a good time and Craig's still a hoot 'n a half unraveling the clues.....4 stars (****)


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