Thursday, January 12, 2023


 M3GAN (2022).......certainly doesn't need any further help from BQ, it's already a roaring success and an instant pop culture horror icon.....

             In record time (blame social media) M3GAN, the little girl-bot with a killer attitude problem, has taken her place along side other legendary Chucky and Annabelle. 

              I don't normally climb on to the already crowded bandwagon of  a flavor-of-the-month movie like this, but I'm here to report my findings in all honesty. 

              And in all honesty, "M3GAN" deserves all the love it's getting. It's a hoot 'n a half to watch and I can only imagine how a packed house must go crazy during a both laughter and yelps in equal measures.  Witty, imaginative and scary as hell when it needs to be, it'll leave you hotly anticipating the inevitable pile of sequels...... (and prepare enough Halloween candy for the millions of little girls, teen girls and even boys who'll be out trick or treating, dressed up as You-Know-Who......)

              So who is this new murderous creepy individual who's taken the mutiplexes by storm?  

              M3GAN's the creation of Gemma (Allison Williams), a brilliant robotics engineer for a an electronic toy company.  In multiple crisis that hit her at the same time, her Zuckerberg-Musk-like boss David (Ronnie Chieng) demands a new competitive kids-companion the same time when Gemma, ill suited for child care, takes custody of her emotionally traumatized niece Cady (Violet McGraw) who survived a fatal car crash that killed both her parents. 

              In record time, Gemma's addresses both pressing issues with M3GAN, a life-sized doll  fully outfitted with state-of-the-art artificial intelligence. Engineered for adorability, she's Alexa, a little girl's BFF and Mary Poppins all rolled into one animatronic package.  M3GAN not only wows David, who plans to mass market her at 10,000 bucks a doll, the robo-kid also becomes an immediate loving companion to Cady healing the the grief stricken child's misery with perfectly timed lullabies.

              Heh, heh, comes the moment when we mention it's a horror movie. 

             Even if you only casually visit movies like this, you can chart the rest of the plot's trajectory with ease. .....

             M3GAN, as you might guess, in the time honored tradition of almost all movie robots, develops her own self-sufficient, uncontrollable A. I.......and she'll tolerate no threats, unkindness or bullying to the human child she's bonded with.    This doll-baby's not to be thwarted, crossed or mishandled......her paybacks to some unlucky souls are draconian, grisly....and dare I say it, darkly funny.

            If M3GAN stares someone down with her exaggerated anime-sized eyeballs, you can bet a Jeopardy Daily Double that they won't be around for "M3GAN 2"........

              .......which explains why the film became such a hit with audiences. Even with its relatively mild PG-13 rating, this movie more than provides everything you look for in a horror film.....a gripping premise, fine acting, suspense, scares, outrageous kill scenes.....and a some on-target laughs just when you need them. 

                  In short, a nifty wild ride, and by far one of the most entertaining films I've seen so far in the new year. BQ says most definitely check it out, it lives up to all the hype you've heard......4 stars (****).

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