Tuesday, January 24, 2023



 As a movie blogger, I feel compelled to weigh in.....even if there's a load of these films I haven't seen.....or would ever want to see.....

             Since the show won't air till mid-March, I'll get a chance to catch up.....but here's a few random thoughts thrown out......

RRR.......You're kidding me with this?  India didn't even submit it for a Foreign Film Oscar?   Pop quiz....how many people do you think will sit through the other 5 foreign film nominees? Or even heard of them?  Sure, 'RRR's dumb, insane and over-the-top....but it's so sincere in its lunacy...and FUN!

Diane Warren's 14th nomination for best song.....it's just as well the Academy gave her a lifetime achievement award.......she couldn't seem to win even during the years when Diane Warren songs still had a shot at winning......

Everything Everywhere All At Once....I can't possibly pass judgement on this until I do a re-watch. Halfway through, the damn thing started to literally put me to sleep....cause it contained what I despised with every fiber of my being.....f***in' multiple universes.  Nothing, but nothing makes me roll my eyes into a coma faster than multiverses.......but with...what, 11 nominations?  I get back to ya  on this soon.....

Best Actor......as far as acceptance speeches go, I'm praying it's either Colin Farrell or Brendan Fraser. Farrell's speech could be convulsively funny, while Fraser's might leave us all in tears......Austin Butler's Elvis?  Sorry, he's left the building.......

Best Actress ......Michelle Yeoh's acceptance speech could provide the ceremony's most memorable moment. If it's Cate Blanchett, her speech will furnish a good opportunity for a bathroom or snack break......unless wild card Andrea Riseborough turns the tables on both of 'em. Michele Williams? Ana de Armas? No way in hell......

A sudden thought of good news......not the slightest bit of attention paid to Will 'Vessel Of Love' Smith and his attempt at Oscar-bait, redemption, "Emancipation".  ....which means nobody in the Academy swallowed his pathetic, patently phony non-apologies....

The most safe prediction any movie blogger can ever make......Trust BQ, this one's a guaranteed lock. I predict that the show's "In Memoriam" death parade will leave out more than a few vital names of passed-away cinema notables......leaving all of us to revile and excoriate the Academy for their thoughtless careless ignorance..  Remember, you heard it hear first......

The "Elvis" nominations......if you're gonna believe this qualifies for Academy Awards, than the long gone Ringling Brothers-Barnum & Bailey circus should have won multiple Tony Awards for best Drama......but I do hold a special place in my heart for Tom Hanks as Jabba The Showbiz Manager.

And speaking of awards, a special "Drop Dead, you dickless, pathetic bullies" to The Razzies...

         I suppose, once upon a time we could all enjoyably smirk and snicker at the 'Golden Raspberry' awards for movies  actors who sucked to the point of embarrassment. 

         But in keeping with the dark, dark mean-spirited times in which we now suffer through, the Razzie crew chose to torment and bully a 12 year old girl, Ryan Kiera Armstrong,,,,,,,by including her name in their "Worst Actress" category, they're unfairly, cruelly holding her responsible for the rotten 2022 remake of "Firestarter". 

          What a collection of sorry incel assholes these Razzie guys must be.....Memo to Razzies: You rocket scientists do realize that "Firestarter" had a director, a writer and grown up actors, don't you? Wouldn't you think the blame for that crapfest might better fall on them a little more than a child who as 11 years old at the time of its filming? 

          For this particular nomination, The Razzies should award themselves a very special Razzie for themselves......worst, instant drain of humor out of a satirical institution....\     

           No time for further reflection on the Oscars.......BQ's got to get busy watching any nominee we missed....see you all on the Red Carpet....

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