Friday, December 16, 2022


                  My major question......

                  How can Saturday Night Live top this?  Or Jimmy Kimmel? Or Stephen Colbert? Or Seth Meyers? 

                   I'll admit it......I couldn't come up with anything more batshit crazier or funnier than this even if I burst a blood vessel trying. 

                   Maybe he really doesn't seek the Presidency in 2024.......maybe his great ambition is to become the next Andy Kaufman.......a performance artist who leaves us all scratching our heads, wondering if he's for real or just slyly asking us to get in on the joke.......

                   99 dollars a card?  Seriously?  And with a chance to hang out with Trump himself.....a golf game, a dinner invitation and, an autographed bottle of bleach to chug-a-lug during the upcoming COVID surge.

                     But now the saddest aspect of all this......

                      The MAGA-Zombies who'll empty their wallets, checkbooks and credit cards to buy the Trump cards......not only losing their money, but whatever remained of their last few brain cells that still functioned.......eagerly following their orange Fuhrer down the rabbit hole of madness that he's plunging into ever deeper. 

                      A scarier question now rears its frightening head.......

                      To follow this cascading waterfall of toxic garbage.....the luncheon with the babbling fascist and Kanye, America's Village Idiot.....the call for the termination of the constitution......the superhero digital trading cards at $99.00 a pop.....

                       What fresh hell comes next?

                       Keep that jumbo bag 'o buttered popcorn handy......for the indictments......

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