Friday, December 30, 2022


             As we all prepare to launch ourselves into the unknown turbulence of 2023, here's one last swim through the shark-infested waters of 2022......

Liar-In-Chief George Santos.......As everyone tries to figure out how this whatzit managed to get into Congress, I'd like to George Santos even this guy's real name?  Didn't anyone notice when he campaigned, he'd glance down at the floor and mumble, "I seemed to have dropped my Congressional Medal Of Honor and Nobel Peace Prize around here somewhere....." 

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott ships off more migrants into freezing temperatures......Answering to charges of pulling a cruel stunt, Abbott remarked, "How can you call this inhumane?  We used a bus to ship 'em out, my original plan was to just bubble-wrap them and mail 'em out in large zip-loc a bus is nicer, right?....."

Trump's tax returns at long last revealed.......several items stood out, including claiming Lindsay Graham and Rudy Giuliani as 'child dependents', declaring 2.7 million in McDonald's takeout orders as 'entertainment expenses' and sessions with Stormy Daniels as 'genital physical therapy'.....

A happy, healthy and madness free new year to all BQ for the world itself, there's no escaping the's built into human DNA. But you know this blog will always  stay on top of it. See you all next year!!!

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