Friday, October 28, 2022


 Threatening goons dressed up like half-assed commandos show up at Arizona polling places, taking photos of photos of voters to scare let's all think hard and try to figure out which political party might be behind this......hmmm.....whoever could it be?  What group of fascist, evil, democracy hating slugs would want to frighten people who exercise their right to vote?   Who? Who?

Kanye West's embrace of anti-Semitism loses him endorsements.......when told he was vying with Donald Trump for the title of Most Stupid And Loathsome Human Being In America, Kanye boasted, "Not this year, Donny....I'm comin' for ya, bro!"

Ted Cruz mocks John Fetterman's speech di\fficulties due to his stroke.......and later privately admitted to reporters...."You know, come to think of it, Donald was right all along, , my wife truly is a butt-ugly skank and it's possible my Dad really did kill JFK......"

Republicans outline their agenda for Agenda for America..........while there's no plan for reducing inflation, the party does promise a busy slate of goals.....prosecute Hunter Biden, cut into Social Security and Medicare, make rich people even richer with lower taxes just for them, insure that raped little girls will have to give birth to their rapist's spawn,, even if it kills them, cut Ukraine aid to help out Trump's BFF Putin commit more atrocities, station GOP commandos in every Polling Place in America, to make sure they win every election , even the ones they lost......and demand the word "Democracy" be stricken from all school and college textbooks..... 

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