Wednesday, October 19, 2022


 She Hulk: Attorney At Law (2022 series - Disney +) can probably tell from the subtitle of this post that I've reached the saturation point with Disney's Marvel universe....along with their never ending toxic oil spill of superhero movies and TV shows......

              The very sight of CGI recreated humans and other assorted creatures flung through the air like frisbees is starting to induce nausea.......and at this point I don't see the necessity of telling one apart from the other......

               Back on August 23, I weighed in the first episode of this CG-Eysore......viewing it in its ghastly entirety hasn't changed my opinion.......

               After enduring 9 episodes of meta drenched, self-referential snark,  I did find a glimmer of hope in all this sludge......

              ......I base this hope on long years of watching genres enjoy years of fabulous success and public approval before collapsing into the dust from too much winking spoofery.

                Marvel now wants us all to sit up and bark in appreciation because they've moved into making fun of themselves.....all the tropes, all the characters, all the movies. And we're all supposed to celebrate the spectacle of their indulgence in inside jokes as if it's the Second Coming.

                 Give me an effin' break.

                And by the way, Marvel, learn some history.......when any particular genre moves on to satire, it's a desperate call for help......and a sure sign that everyone's growing tired of the same damn stuff, repackaged like pre-chewed Spam.  You execs can have the actors break the fourth wall all you like......but to me it sounds like you're out of ideas and close to giving up.

               I cannot torture myself (and you wonderful BQ visitors) with the plot details of 9 excruciating to be brief....

                Marvel believed it could entrust the gifted multi-gifted Tatania Maslany to make this show work. And yes, she practically sweats green bullets to try to make it all funny and exciting.....

                But the show's too busy contemplating its own navel, referencing countless other characters and events from the MCU, and giving us those wink-wink pokes......(as in, "did you get that in-joke? Did ya? Did ya? Did ya get it????")

                 "She Hulk" finishes up with what the Marvel brass no doubt thought of as their ultimate meta jape......imagining that their all powerful Marvel Mastermind Kevin Feige as 'K.E.V.I.N." an AI robot who programs all the plot point and fates of his spandex army.

                 Given the monotonous, mechanical construction of Marvel projects, that scene lands as uncomfortably true.....if Kevin's really a soulless automaton, that would explain "Ms. Marvel", "The Eternals".....and "She Hulk: Attorney At Law"..... 

                  1 star (*).

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