Tuesday, May 24, 2022


 She Freak (1967)    Even though we've spent a lifetime hunting down and viewing the most obscure, bizarre and downright disgusting horror-exploitation films, it took us forever to finally stumble upon this one.....

            Go figure......out of nowhere it crawls out from whatever rock it's been under and shows up on Turner Classic Movies.....

            And now we've seen it. Mission accomplished.

            So you don't have to You're welcome.

            Unless of course, you're a dedicated curator and/or collector of the most unwatchable crap ever committed to celluloid.  If so, have at it.....Godspeed. 

            Everyone else should not mistake this for some guilty pleasure that, given enough consumption of alcohol or other mind altering substances, would give you a jolly night of unintentional laughs. 

             Not gonna happen here. 

             "She Freak", an amateur night stab at a remake of the Tod Browning's legendary, controversial 1932 "Freaks", came for prolific shlockmeister David F. Friedman.

              Before the onslaught of hardcore porn arrived and spoiled all his fun, Friedman was a tireless producer-creator of low-grade, drive-in worthy exploitation cinema......rock bottom cheapies fueled by naked babes and ridiculous amounts of gore soaked violence. 

               Yes, he's the David Friedman who, along with director Herschel Gordon Lewis gave us the immortal blood drenched trilogy of "Blood Feast", "2000 Maniacs" and "Color Me Blood Red".

               Don't let that get your hopes up.......not a single girl in "She Freak" gets her tongue or any other internal organs pulled out of her still writhing body. Not that kind of movie.

               It unfolds more as a snail's pace home movie of  a travelling amusement carnival. And we're not kidding about the home movie part.......it's really that slow and life deadening. 

              In the midst of this almost documentary tour of the carnival comes a hungrily ambitious trailer trash waitress played by Claire Brennan. 

              Brennan, a tall curvy blonde bombshell, sets her sights on the carnival's freak show operator,s played by the only familiar face in the cast, Bill McKinney. (Later to achieve instant fame as one of the hillbilly sodomizers of 1972's "Deliverance"  and then on to a long career as numerous creepy villains. )

              But a horny ferris wheel operator (Lee Raymond) with the hots for Brennan murders McKinney, leaving Brennan to inherit the freak show. Brennan hates the freaks 'n geeks, who hate her right back and proceed to........well, if you've seen the original "Freaks" you know what happens next.

               After a grindingly slow 80 minutes of or so of community theater acting, the now pathetic Brennan, attacked and disfigured by the freaks, makes a brief appearance......the film's one and only reason for existence. 

               And take our word for it.....so not worth waiting for. Zero stars. (0).

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