Wednesday, May 18, 2022




                 Let's be clear here.......since so far, we haven't heard anyone say this plain and simple.

                The loathsome little worm who crawled out of his hellhole and slaughtered 10 innocent people at a Buffalo supermarket has two fathers.......

                 His biological father and his true ideological father....Donald J. Trump. 

                 Nobody needs to be a very stable genius to trace the genesis of the Buffalo massacre.

                 You can start with Trump's embrace of the "birther" movement........

                  Then move on to Charlottesville, where the country's most un-American President announced that Neo-Nazis were "very fine people"......the kind of people that thousands of Americans laid down their lives to fight in World War 2.

                  Then move on to Trump constantly referring to Covid as the "China Flu".....touching off attacks on Asian-Americans

                  Trump's election became a blast of triumphant trumpets for the darkest, most evil souls in America.....racists, Nazis, and everyone else consumed with simmering grievances against people of color.......

                  They even had their very own news cable network, Fox News, where Rupert Murdoch's stable of clownish fake pundits spewed out Trump's toxicity every single night.......and still do.

                   At long last, these larva felt legitimized and could flaunt their hatred in broad daylight. The believed they'd found a the White House, of all places. 

                  And they had no trouble discerning what "Make America Great Again" really meant.....that the English translation was Make America Like The First Half Of the 20th Century Again"

                  When people of color knew their less-than-human, second class citizens.....who shouldn't even have the right to vote.....

                And naturally, being less than human made it open season on African Americans, Jews, Asians, Muslims and anyone else whom Trump designated as unworthy........

                 To continue the clarity.........the monstrous cretin who took those lives in Buffalo may not share Trump's DNA.......but in every possible way, he's as much a son of Trump as Don Jr. and that other idiot whose name isn't even worth remembering. 

                  The lethal cancer of Trumpism may have been cut out of power in 2020, but it continues to metastasize across the country......

                   And like every lethal cancer, it kills without mercy. Just read the headlines.....

                  Something every sane, decent voter should remember in every election.

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