Friday, May 13, 2022



               After plowing through a bunch of movies with varying degrees of quality, it's about time we honored the "good stuff to read" part of our blog here's prime page-turner more than worth checking out......

                  Since we had one of those "up all night for just one more chapter'" experiences reading D.J. Palmer's previous thriller, "The Perfect Daughter", we couldn't wait to inhale this one.

            Sure enough, it was yet another up-all-nighter.

             This domestic dysfunction, twist-filled tale doesn't sit still for a moment and starts off with a premise guaranteed to keep a reader glued to it for the whole journey, till the very last secret makes your jaw drop.

            How could anyone pass up a compelling set-up like this - Michael and Natalie, in the throes of a troubled marriage take their two young kids, Bryce and Addie on a New York City excursion. When Michael returns from bringing a pizza back to their hotel room, Natalie and the kids are gone.....with no explanation. But how? To where? And why?

           From that point on, this book is literally off and running.......with many, many secrets and startling twists to be uncovered along the way. Flashbacks from Natalie's point-of-view unfold some of the motives and backstories, but multiple surprises still await all of major players here - Michael, Natalie and a strangely chummy police detective, who for some reason takes it upon himself to join an uneasy Michael in the hunt for his missing family.

              We wouldn't dream of going into any further details that would spoil the near unbearable suspense and the "well, I didn't see THAT coming" moments in the final chapters. That's all part of what makes a book like this an absolute blast to read.

              Simply a superb nail-biter and by now, all psychological thriller lovers should put D.J. Palmer high on their "must read" list of authors. This author knows how to craft a 5 star (*****) FIND OF FINDS.

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