Thursday, April 22, 2021


 The Girl In Cell 49B by Dorian Box (2021)     We bumped the film we planned to post about today because we couldn't wait to tell you about this book.....

              We lost count of how many "page turning' thrillers we've read that left us wading through pages and pages of repetitive internal monologues and pointless descriptions of nothing that mattered to the plot.

               Now, at last, here's a page-turner and really made us tear through the pages and finish the book in one sitting. 

                 In other words, a thriller that really thrills.....a breathless ride that keeps you up all night, 'cause you just can't stop reading until you know what happens next.

                  We came across this one only a week or so ago and the description made us dive into it, even though we hadn't yet read the book that it's a follow-up to, "The Hiding Girl".  We went ahead anyway, since "The Girl In Cell 49B" works perfectly fine as a stand-alone story. 

                 But we promise you as soon as you finish this, you'll want to go out and immediately buy a copy of the first book.....which is what we did. 

                  Who could resist the harrowing adventures of teenager Emily Calby, who at age 16 has already endured enough horror, tragedy, violence and cruelty to last several lifetimes.

                  At age 12, she became the sole survivor of a murderous home invasion that ended with the slaughter of her mother and little sister. Forced to go on the run and live 'off the grid' Emily found a shady mentor-protector who's trained her to fiercely defend herself.

                   So you know already she's an indomitable force to be reckoned with......and no one to try to victimize. Not that doesn't stop a world of troubles from catching up with her.

                  After she's forced to kill a pedophile rapist in self-defense, Emily's arrested for first degree murder and sent to juvenile prison to await trial.

                  The forces arrayed against her seem insurmountable. Emily struggles to cope and survive with the everyday brutal life in lockup while using the prison's little law library to help her prepare a defense.  And she'll need a good one.......since the hateful, vindictive prosecutor in not above engaging in unlawful misconduct to assure a conviction. 

                  Author Dorian Box kept us pinned to the pages for hours on end......the book's pacing in super swift and Emily Calby is a character who breaks you heart and makes you want to sit up and cheer for her very step of the way. 

                  Reading about her suspenseful navigation through all the dangers that afflict her took us into the wee hours of the morning.......and we can't even remember the last book we read that exerted that kind of grip on us.  This damn book moves.

                   We could no on and on like this, but let's wrap it up and make it plain and simple. For one of the fastest thrill rides you'll read all year, you NEED to get this book. A most definite 5 star (*****) FIND OF FINDS.  Grab it soon.


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