Tuesday, November 3, 2020


 Since we consider watching election returns similar to Dustin Hoffman's "Marathon Man" ordeal in Laurence Olivier's dentist chair, we frittered away our time thinking of terrible Presidents in the movies.....

             Our candidates are.....(drum roll, please........

Cliff Robertson as Joe Cantwell in "The Best Man" . (1964.)...Joe's a Nixonian sleaze (and closeted Gay) who's vying for the nomination with Henry Fonda, as a professorial type with scruples. Gore Vidal's script turns the tables of both of 'em....

James Gregory as Sen. John Iselin in "The Manchurian Candidate" (1962)..... Technically, he's a V.P. candidate but his formidably evil wife (Angela Lansbury, a communist agent, has arranged for her brainwashed son (Laurence Harvey) to shoot the top-ticket guy so Jimmy can move up in the world.....(the fact that the Senator's a complete idiot makes Angela's job all that easier.....)

Martin Sheen as Greg Stillson in "The Dead Zone" (1983)  Greg's a rabble rousing populist whom psychic Christopher Walken envisions as kicking off a nuclear war.......leave it to Stephen King to design a stunning incident to head off the apocalypse...

Thomas Hal Philips as Hal Philip Walker in "Nashville" (1975).....Another populist playing the heartland rubes for all he's worth.......and only heard, never seen, as a voice on his omnipresent campaign truck loudspeakers.........but at least he never asks for his opponents to be incarcerated.....

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