Friday, November 20, 2020



                   So it's come to this.........

                   Baby Orange, his dirigible-sized ego finally deflated by his defeat, isn't going down alone.

                   He's decided suck the United States Of  America down the drain with him.......

                   To hell with the fair election, to hell with Democracy, to hell with the quarter million Covid victims who died gasping for their last breaths........
                    What's all-important here, above all else........Baby Orange got his feelings hurt.  And he must seek vengeance........

                     And what better way for him to do than totally surrender to his delirious, crazed fantasy that the Presidency was stolen from him.......and enlist his cult member minions to join him on his lunatic quest to thwart the will of the voters.......

                       Who better do join him and carry the banner for this demented crusade than the mad, mad maddest of his groveling sycophants.........the bug-eyed, big toothed, Ghouliani.

                 We've gotta hand it to Rudy........for sheer, batshit-crazy spectacle, he has no equal.

                  Spouting conspiracy gibberish for the entertainment of hardcore Trumpanzees.......while God-only-knows-what drips down his if what's left of his rotted brain cells are beginning to ooze out of his head........

                  Since we've all become a captive audience to Baby Orange and Ghouliani's unreality show......let's not make any more jokes about what's going on here.

                  Let's call it by its name.

                  Treason. Traitors.

                  We don't know what else to call a sitting American president betraying the Constitution he swore to uphold and protect........

                   We don't know what else to call a direct attack on on the democratic institutions of America, seeking to destroy citizens' faith in a free and fair election.......

                    It's more than a mad, mad tea party, ruled by a Mad Hatter and attended by simpering, babbling subservient mice and rabbits.

                    It's an attack on the USA. Just like Pearl Harbor. Just like 9/11.

                    Here's hoping and praying we survive it.


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