Thursday, November 12, 2020


 Killing Eve - Season 3    We don't get into watching a whole lot of TV series........we couldn't even count how many series we've never laid eyes on  that have racked up multiple seasons and hundreds of episodes......

             But this one grabbed us from its start...........with its irresistible, central idea of a high strung, repressed MI6 agent Eve Polastri (Sandra Oh) and her tumultuous, dangerous love-hate relationship with her quarry, a mad, mad, mad Russian assassin, Villanelle (Jodie Comer). 

             We don't want to demean or downplay the contributions of the supporting cast here, playing a variety of British and foreign agents.......especially Fiona Shaw as Eve's iron-willed boss......but the main attraction was always the lethal back-and-forth between Oh and Comer.

              Everything else was window dressing........

              And Season 3 of this show disappointed us severely, because it's all about the window dressing.

             Yes, the supporting actors get their moments to shine here, including Kim Bodnia as the ever duplicitous Konstanin, a Russian operative whose shifting loyalties disguise the fact he's only in it for himself.

              But the the showrunners lost sight of why people watch this show at all.

             We want lots and lots of Eve, who's coping with her growing dark side and lots and lots of Villanelle, who's beginning to not enjoy her busy life as a psychotic murderess. 

              This third season, unfortunately only doles out spoon-sized bites of these two characters, as if they're rationing them.

               The episodes play out like the people who created this show completely forgot what it was about in the first place. 

                From what we've read about other TV series, "Killing Eve" is by far not the first show that's gone off the rails in its third season. Some such shows manage to get their mojo back in their subsequent seasons while others kill themselves off altogether. 

                 We're hoping like hell that this show bounces back........

                 Cause we still can't wait to see what happens next to these two remarkable characters......(and we can't enough of the incredible work that Sandra Oh and Jodie Comer put into their portrayals of these deliciously twisted women)

                  For this time around......sorry, this season's at best a 2 star gone-astray mess. (**)


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