Wednesday, November 4, 2020


               Yesterday, we only dealt with Presidential candidates........

                So, as long we're all on the edge of our seats, waiting for thousands of votes to be counted, why not remember some not-so-hot fictional Commander-In-Chiefs...

President Merkin Muffley played by Peter Sellers (Dr. Strangelove - 1964)   At first glance, he may seem like he's the only sane person in the War Room.  Then we start to realize that he's so buffoon-isly wishy-washy, his presidency is probably what drove Gen. Jack D. Ripper over the edge.......

President Trent (and duplicate) played by Andrew Duggan (In Like Flint - 1967)   This guy's probably a drooling moron, but boy oh boy is he photogenic........and since he looks like an actor who's merely playing a President, the villainous female masterminds replace him with.......a look-alike actor. Which prompts Derek Flint (James Coburn) to exclaim incredulously, "An actor as President??".....(coming 13 years before President Ronald Reagan.)

President Will Cooper played by Kevin James  (Pixels - 2015)   Do we have to elaborate any further about this?  Just the phrase "President Will Cooper played by Kevin James" should strike fear and loathing in everybody's heart.........

President Bennet played Donald Moffat (Clear And Present Danger - 1994)   Another photogenic Chief Exec, but a shifty, double dealer  who runs afoul of straight arrow Jack Ryan (Harrison Ford) ("How dare you bark at me like some little junkyard dog! I'm the President Of The United States!")  Well,  we guess that line had more power back when Presidents were supposed to command respect for their strong moral fiber........a million years ago.....)

President James Dale played by Jack Nicholson (Mars Attacks! - 1996)  Similar to Trump in that his presidency is ruled solely by public relations appearances, photo ops and optics.......but when faced with a Martian invasion (whose invaders are practical joker terrorists), he comes off as courageous as a wet noodle.....("Can't we all just get along" he bleats to the Martians, parroting Rodney King.......which is exactly that Trump bleats to the Coronavirus.....see above photo for the results)

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