Sunday, August 25, 2019


               So much madness to's enough to humble any mortal man....

               But fortunately........I AM THE CHOSEN ONE!!!!!!!!! 

      we go.......

               Baby Orange declares himself The Chosen One and the King of Israel......and also, The Ayotollah of Rock 'N Rolla!

                Baby Orange thinks he can order companies to stop dealing with China..... and also orders all girls....according to the Executive Order....with "squeezable pussies" to report to the White House no later than September 30th........

                Baby Orange rages when thwarted from buying Greenland...... especially when he claims he made a fair offer to even swap for Puerto Rico.......

                Baby Orange calls the woman head of Denmark "nasty"...... English translation of "nasty".....'Any woman uppity enough to defy me". 

                 Baby Orange call Jews who vote Democratic "disloyal".......and warns them that if they keep that up, they're gonna end of as cellmates of all those little wetbacks who've already been separated from their parents.........


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