Sunday, August 4, 2019


                 Another one of Baby Orange's "very fine people" racks up a body count in El Paso.......once again, Baby Orange has a new adopted son to stand along side of Eric and Don Jr......another of the many cockroaches who crawled out from under the floorboards after the 2016 election, in the belief they had a wondrous new leader in Baby Orange.  Do they ever......

                 Baby Orange minion  Ratcliffe scuttles away from his Director Of National Intelligence nomination........since everyone already knew this guy couldn't possibly qualify for the title...he had no discernible intelligence and couldn't direct his way in and out of a other words, a typical Baby Orange nominee........

                  Moscow Mitch hates his new nickname........Bravo to Joe Scarborough, who finally found a way to crack Yertle The Turtle's shell.......suck it up, Mitchy...... When you do the whole country a favor and eventually pass on, "Moscow Mitch" will look great on your headstone.......

                  Baby Orange says to a reporter about Russia's election interference, "You don't believe that, do you?" .........BQ memo to the Traitor-In-Chiefactually....yes, sane people do believe it..........

                    To the "thoughts and prayers" politicians who won't vote for background checks, an assault weapons ban and policing gun show will never, ever wash the blood of innocent victims off your've more than earned your place beside Baby Orange as the scum of the earth.

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