Tuesday, August 27, 2019


Little (2019)     As you might have guessed, BQ got roped into viewing this by BD (Beloved Daughter).......(normally, the trailer alone would suffice to send us screaming from the room.....)

                  BD, of course, didn't have to suffer through the initial plague of Grown-Up Becomes Child or Kid Becomes Grownup movies.......("Vice Versa", "Like Father Like Son", "Freaky Friday", etc, etc.....)........so she didn't go through the same horrifying bouts of Deja Vu that we did.......

                  This film owed a lot of its instant fame from being conceived and produced by 13 year old Marsai Martin ('Black-ish').......

                    And we'll say this much, "Little" is by far the best movie ever produced by a 13 year old.......as opposed to most Hollywood films, which are produced by people with the minds of 13 year olds.......

                   Even better, Martin's savvy enough to give herself the film's premier starring role, a rampaging, obnoxious sotfware CEO who finds herself magically transformed to a........wanna guess?......Der Bingo!......a rampaging, obnoxious 13 year old......(vividly played as an adult by Regina Hall, who makes the most of the her limited screen time, reduced to structural bookends...)

                    Once the adult-to-kid transformation's made, the script dutifully marches through all the tropes you'd expect.....(Martin's forced by Child Services to re-live her nightmarish 8th Grade in the same exact Middle School......enduring the same unchecked bullying that converted her from a gentle adolescent to the Boss-From-Hell........

                   The rest of the movie can be summed up in that standard homily that actors so love to use whenever called to the podium to tearfully accept an award......."don't let anyone tell you that you can't be what you want to be..." ....(you can fill in the rest....)

                   No question, Marsai Martin's a comedic powerhouse and a force to be reckoned with.....her unflagging energy keeps the laughs flowing through at least the first two thirds of the movie.......before the script runs out of gas, falls apart and the whole movie seems to sigh from exhaustion.....

                     BD loved it......and BQ'd be fibbing if we didn't admit to laughing more than few times......so we'll grade on a curve with 2 & 1/2 stars (**1/2)......as long as everyone in Hollywood solemnly swears to never make another GrownUp-Turns-Into-A-Kid movies.  Ever.. Promise?

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