Wednesday, October 11, 2017


              A few pundits have begun to ponder a question that's been on everybody's mind for a while......(it's been on ours since Baby Orange rode down his golden escalator to announce his candidacy)........

               To put it much longer can the United States and the world endure the hellish insanity of having Baby Orange in the White House, with his tiny, itchy fingers close to the nuclear codes?

                We find ourselves starting to sympathize more and more with fictional characters in horror films, living through 90 minutes of anxiety and sheer terror of sudden death at any moment......

                Unlike them, our horror movie is real.......and far from ending in a tidy 90 minutes, it drags on, day after exhausting day. New infantile behavior.......and always, a fresh batch of lies.

                It's as if George Orwell's Ministry Of Truth from "1984" has materialized in front of our disbelieving eyes and ears......

                 We've lived through our share of dark times (and we don't claim that as some kind of remarkable happens to everyone who lives long enough)....and we always thought 1968 was the most horrendous year we ever survived.......RFK and MLK slaughtered, the Democratic convention riots, the raging, unpopular Vietnam war, all of it capped off by rise of our Crook-In-Chief, Richard Nixon......

                  The history of our lifetime couldn't possibly get any worse than 1968, could it?

                   Yes it could.

                   We now have a country and a world at the mercy of  a man with the mindset and maturity of a spoiled toddler with a full individual who's no more fit to hold the office of the President than our daughter's pet goldfish........(in fact, we take that back,since the fish probably has a higher I.Q.) 

                  Or, to quote the immortal and terribly true words of our current Secretary Of State......a fucking moron........

                   Again, it begs the pundits' question.....can we survive another three years of such a vile, odious, and virtually inhuman creature posing as a President?   Can the very fabric of America and its values withstand being ripped to shreds on a daily basis for so long?

                   Honestly?  Who knows? We sure don't.

                  Back when Dan Rather was a CBS anchorman, we remember the laughter and ridicule heaped on him when he tried ending each of his newscasts with what he felt was a profound, heartfelt watchword........'courage'.

                   Okay, it backfired on him, cause it just sounded like Dan becoming pretentious and full of himself......which he unmistakably was.  And he quickly dropped his watchword......lost his "courage", you might say.

                   At the risk of sounding pretentious ourselves......we're picking the word again......because given the daily headlines, it seems the only proper way to end this post.





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