Sunday, March 5, 2017


The Babadook (2014) was a well received little scarefest about a troubled mom and her nightmare-prone young son terrorized by a forbidding top-hatted creepy creature who literally pops up at them.....from a children's pop up book. As you would expect in a horror film, the Babadook, not content with a mere existence as an unfolded piece of paper, comes to blood-freezing life and lurks in every dark corner of the mother and son's home, chanting its own name repeatedly......

             A sequel of sorts recently played out in real life......instead of a frightened mother, the lead role has been taken over by no less than our so-called President.  The BQ can only assume the plot unfolded, so to speak,  this way......the Orange-inator must have frozen in stark horror after being handed one of those spiffy, leather-bound booklets containing his latest executive pronouncements.

             A doomful, sinister figure popped out of the booklet, an apocalyptic apparition designed to strike numbing fear in the Orange-inator's heart. The Babadook?  No.....something far worse....a figure who haunts the most fear-ridden corners of the Orange-inator's addled mind.......yes, it could only be......The Obama-Dook.

             Screaming and twittering at the same time, the poor bedeviled victim of this sequel, runs from room to room......and in every dark corner, in every closet, even under the Lincoln room bedsheets, he sees the Obama-Dook.....slyly smiling, plotting and waiting to jump out and chant over and over....'Obama-Dooooooook'....As our poor hysterical victim's short chunky fingers madly dance across  the twitter keyboard on his cellphone, he believes he can hear the malignant rasp, the dry chuckling of the Obama-Dook over the phone line itself.

            You'll pardon us, but we couldn't watch this far fetched sequel any longer......the lead actor lacked credibility, to put it mildly......and we couldn't help theorizing whether his feverish visions of the Obama-Dook were real.....or simply another one of his many delusions.....

           The original 2014 film "The Babadook " earns 4 scary stars (****) from the for the....sadly, real life sequel and its woeful leading man , whose bad acting hovers at the 'Plan 9 From Outer Space' level.....we award zero stars.(0).

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