Friday, March 17, 2017


Darby O'Gill And The Little People (1959)  In l952, director John Ford traveled to the Emerald Isle to make his quintessential Irish masterpiece "The Quiet Man", recruiting much of his supporting cast from the legendary Abbey players.  Seven years later, Walt Disney, our tour guide, curator and ringmaster of Americana fantasy, didn't go abroad to make his smilin'-Irish-eyes epic.  Uncle Walt simply imported Ireland to Burbank.  Fresh off the boat (or probably Pan Am plane) came his Irish-Scottish cast, including a thick-eyebrowed young boyo named Sean Connery. And for his sumptuous Irish landscapes, Disney relied on his genius special effects artist Peter Ellenshaw......meticulously painting on clear glass placed in front of the camera, Ellenshaw conjured up a warmly embracing Never Never Land Ireland fit for our dreams....or Disneyland.

            So today, let's raise a glass to all the players who made 'Darby'  our favorite childhood Blarney stone.....

            Uncle Walt  Yes, in the disillusionment of adulthood, we know Walt Disney was every bit as ruthless as the rest of the Hollywood moguls......empire-builders aren't teddy bears. But on TV's 'Wonderful World Of Disney' he was our genial Uncle Walt.....even when he rapaciously cross-marketed his theatrical movies to us. (And he went all out with 'Darby', devoting an entire episode to personally shmoozing with the movie's Leprechaun king....) Hilariously, former Disney CEO Michael Eisner once foolishly attempted this,  turning himself into an avuncular 'Uncle Michael'' on TV......he reminded us of one of those tutu-wearing crocodiles in "Fanstasia", in search of his next meal....

            Sean Connery  Only a few years away from Bond, but radiating magnetic charm. And much to his discomfort, forced to sing a lilting ditty with co-star Janet Munro. He's really not that bad a singer, having started his career as a chorus boy in 'South Pacific'......and even in 'Dr. No', he croons a few bars of calypso to Ursula Andress.....

            Janet Munro  Almost indescribably cute....a girl next door from across the Pond. And Disney wasted no time signing her up for more films like "Swiss Family Robinson". Tragically, she led a troubled young life, plagued by alcoholism and heart disease.....she passed at only 38.

           Peter Ellenshaw  One of Disney's premier wizards, accomplishing the startling combination shots of full sized actors along side  tiny leprechauns by filming them at different distances from each other.  These shots required such massive amounts of lighting, the production blew out the Burbank power grid.  And Ellenshaw, as already mentioned, functioned as the studio's in-house Rembrandt,creating the  glass matte artwork that turned Disney's back lot into storybook Ireland. For the epitome of Ellenshaw's art, BQ recommends "The Island At The Top Of The World".

           Albert Sharpe  Disney couldn't secure Barry Fitzgerald, his first choice for Darby O'Gill, the wily old estate gamekeeper who matches wits and wishes with the leprechaun he brought musical comedy veteran Sharpe out of retirement.  And Sharpe couldn't have been more perfect (or more Irish) for the role.

           Jimmy O' Dea  The Dublin comedian recruited to play Sharpe's foil, King Brian of the Leprechauns.....he and Sharpe go at like they've been doing a vaudeville act for decades....together, they're a pure pot of gold......

          The Banshee  Disney films have had their share of unsettling moments (oops, there goes Bambi's mom...) but nothing quite scared the childhood crap out of us like the wailing, glowing wraith who comes swooping down on Darby and later does a 'gotcha!' pop up to collect Darby's injured daughter.  A lifetime later, we don't mind telling you.....the Banshee's still one scary creature....

          We understand that most people prefer to cozy up with "The Quiet Man" on March 17th....and that's a fine choice any day of the year. As for the BQ, we raise and toast 5 full pints to Sir Sean, Janet, Albert, Uncle Walt and all the other folks who gave us  "Darby O'Gill" (*****) A blazing green FIND OF FINDS.

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