Tuesday, March 28, 2017


Rep. Devin Nunes  Is this idiot for real....or is he an escapee from a deleted scene in "Dr. Strangelove?"  It's dawned on everybody that you can't have a Trumpanzee in charge of congressional committee investigating Trump. As a spy, Nunes behaves like he's in "Casino Royale"....not the one with Daniel Craig.....the one with Woody Allen and Peter Sellers. This guy combines Austin Powers and Mini-Me in one hilarious package. We weep for the United States.....

The "Justice League" trailer  Oh joy.....more pissed off DC comics superheroes hurling each other around like CGI rag dolls. If it was a choice between watching this and red hot needles driven through our eyes.......we'd have to think it over.......

Taco Bell  Go away. Now. Forever. That includes your restaurants and ads......disappear off the face of the earth and allow real estate developers to use the land for something useful.....like Burger Kings or independent bookstores.......

Weather on Network newscasts..... When did Scott Pelly, David Muir and Lester Holt start working for the friggin' Weather Channel?  When did half the nightly news become about hailstorms and rain?  Yes, catastrophic storms that cause untold damage deserve coverage, but you guys now breathlessly report on rain like you never laid eyes on it before.  Why do you think the weather's so crazy these days?  How 'bout more climate change investigative stories to look into it?   The Trumpkins won't care....not until all of Disney World becomes the '20,000 Leagues Under The Sea' ride......

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