Friday, July 28, 2023


 Trump hit with more obstruction indictments in Mar-A-Lago case.....and proudly boasts, "No President has ever collected more indictments than me.....indictments like the world has never seen before....the most pile of charges ever amassed by a Chief Executive in U.S. History! You'll never see any President even come close to that.....that's gotta count for something, right?"

Ron DeSantis says he knows little about Florida's education edict teaching kids that slavery was beneficial to slaves.....and also pleaded ignorance regarding as additional ruling requiring  black students to scream "Thank you Massa! Thank you Massa!" when receiving homework assignments....

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. declares Covid was designed to skip over Chinese and Jewish people...... and further reveals that his father's assassin Sirhan Sirhan was secretly paid for the murder by Bruce Lee and Golda related news, Donald Trump immediately offered RFK Jr. a free MAGA hat and a coupon for the Mar-A-Lago spa. 

Elon Musk rebrands Twitter as "X".....
in response, Mark Zuckerberg rebrands his rival site "Threads" to "Y Not Z if you like us better?"

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