Monday, July 3, 2023


 Nimona (2023-Netflix streaming) this site, I rarely sample animation and studiously avoid all the fanboy-fangirl DC/Marvel/Anime/Graphic Novel/Comic-Con stuff......

             And I even bailed out of Pixar,(like a whole lot of folks) and all their esoteric, gasping attempts to trumpet their creativity, with bizarre ideas that audiences simply scratch their heads at........(as in "Inside Out", "Soul", and their newest bomb "Elemental"....

             Couldn't pass this one up though, since all the inside info claimed it kicked ass, moved like lightning and made for one hell of a fun watch.....

              Turns out.....all true. It kicks ass, moves like lightning, made me laugh and and I thrilled to the visuals all the way through.....

            -  Better yet, it features an awesomely lovable lead character, a teen girl who's a wisecracking, motormouthed, take-no-prisoners badass.....and apparently some kind of friggin' demi-God who can morph herself into any creature who pops into her head......falling somewhere between "Kick-Ass"s legendary Hit-Girl and some X-kid mutant left over from "X-Men"

               And who better to bring this crazy kid's voice to life than Hit-Girl herself, Chloe Grace Moretz?  What more could you ask for?

                The movie does give you more.....a non-stop whirlwind of action-adventure sequences as Moretz's unstoppable Nimona attaches herself to a wayward mythical Kingdom warrior who's been framed for killing the Queen. 

                 Enough with the plot.....just dive in, immerse yourself in it and take the ride. 

                 A must see summertime 4 star (****) cooler......and much mucho thanks to Anapurna Films and Netflix for saving the film from certain Disney extermination.... the House Of Mouse inherited "Nimona"  after they'd gobbled up 20th Century Fox and dismantled its animation unit. 

                 For any you muttering...."Yeah, but this thing's a cartoon, right?" 

                Wrong.  It's 'Nimona". And you need to make a date to go see her ASAP......Intrigued enough to give it a try?  Sure hope so......

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