Friday, May 5, 2023


 Clarence and Ginni Thomas scandals continue to flow out, one after the other.....Democratic senators and Congressmen are looking into Ginni's full page contest ad  in "People" magazine, announcing "Win A Supreme Court Decision For Free!  Applications only 25,000 each!"

Heavily armed, trigger happy homeowners continue to blast away their guns at innocent neighbors and bystanders, either killing of critically wounding them.....In related news, suburban homeowner associations voted to replace the "Welcome New Neighbor" vans with Abrams tanks. as well offer free Kevlar vests to paperboys, mailmen and pizza delivery drivers....

Voters decidedly not enthused about a 2024 Trump Vs. Biden election.....Biden promises to still remember who he is and that he's running for President by the time of election a gracious move, guards at Leavenworth Prison have furnished and decorated a solitary cell to serve as Trump's campaign headquarters, if needed. 

CNN to offer Trump a Town Hall forum......In the illustration above, BQ suggests a few topics and questions for CNN hosts......please feel free to use them....

In rape trial deposition, Trump defends his infamous "Access Hollywood" tape....."Come on, gimme a break," Trump pleaded in the deposition, "when I grab a girl's pussy, I'm very gentle, actually.....just a little rubby-dubby around the clit to make me feel good.....and they all get an autographed picture and a selfie... who else does that?."

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