Friday, May 12, 2023



The CNN Trump Town Hall......

                       The reviews are in.....

                       "Brilliant journalism and wonderfully incisive and informative! I couldn't stop watching, I only wish it could have gone on for 6 hours!"   Vladimir Putin

                         "My role model at the top of his game! He's everything I aspire to, everything I ever wanted to be......and everything I'll lie about anyway if none of it happens!"    George Santos

                         "Blew me away from the first minute on!  He's the only one capable of forming our future Red State For White Christians Only country!  And he'll shoot down all those Jewish Space Lasers hovering over my office..."   Marjorie Taylor Greene

                          "The only guy I know, besides me, of course, who can shovel that amount of pure unadulterated horseshit in one sitting. Amazing!"  Tucker Carlson

                          "I don't care. Do you?"   Melania Trump



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