Friday, April 14, 2023



Trump raves on to Tucker Carson about his great love of ruthless dictators Kim Jung Un, Putin, President Xi of China......filled with admiration, refers to them as "Top Guys"   "I gotta hand it to these guys....lockin' up journalists, slaughtering women and children, starving their own people, killing anyone they don't like......they're my heroes...."

Trump appointed judge decides to ban abortion drug to all pregnant women in the United States......and further decreed that every state's National Guard be trained to randomly stop women on the street and administer 'surprise pelvic exams....("....just to make sure the girls are all staying on the straight and narrow...."

Clarence Thomas continues to strengthen his reputation as the most corrupt, unqualified individual whoever managed to stumble into the Supreme Court.....In a recent interview, Thomas's MAGA-crazed wife Ginni promises, "...just wait'll we overthrow the government and re-install Donald as President! Then you're gonna see Clarence to some real kick-ass rulings! voting..ever!")

Jim Jordan's infamous "weaponization" committee continues to harass New York D.A. Bragg over his indictment of Donald Trump.....Jordan's committee also is preparing millions of search warrants to investigate every single American citizen who voted for Joe Biden.......

Tennessee Democrats expelled by GOP MAGA-Zombies are immediately re-instated, making them immediate heroes to millions of people around the entire country...fuming GOP legislators were heard to mumble, "what did everyone get so upset about it? All we tried to do was teach a couple of those uppity boys a  lesson in manners. The next thing you know, they'll demand to sit in seats on the front of the bus....."

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