Tuesday, April 4, 2023



Admit it........you thought this day would never come......that after decades of grifts, racism, hatred-stoking ,poisonous misogyny,   raging stupidity, towering ignorance and 4 toxic years of  a woefully incompetent Presidency, you though he'd never cornered by the wheels of justice, never face the consequences of his myriad crimes...... 

                    Neither did I. 

                     At long last, the laws of the land, the same ones the rest of us live under, will catch up with Baby Orange, who thought of himself as something of a king.....untouchable, invincible and far, far above the laws that govern us in the United States Of America. 

                     A day of celebration, to be sure. A declaration of America and American values.....

                      Baby Orange dreamed of ruling us like a tyrannical autocrat. We were supposed follow the example of his brain-dead MAGA-Zombies, who sacrificed their humanity, their morality, their ability to distinguish fact from fiction, even their Christian teachings to worship him.


                            Now even more prosecutions are headed his way........for crimes far more serious than paying off a porn star.    As he rants, foams at the mouth and spews out even more verbal diarreah, it's time to stock up on the popcorn and soda.

                             For the USA, the best is yet to come......for Baby Orange, the very worst.....time to put a roof on his crib and lock it up tight. 

                            Oh Glorious day.

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