Friday, March 17, 2023


 The bank failures.......Explained one bank's CEO...."In retrospect, I felt a little uneasy when the tech bros repaid our loans with 80 billion dollars in bitcoin and advance peeks from Iik Tok influencers..."

Governor Ron DeSantis refers to the war in Ukraine as a "territorial dispute".......and also blamed Ukraine's women and children for foolishly getting in the way of Russian bombs ...Said the Governor, "those Ukrainian kids left alive should think Putin, cause at least there's a lot more room for them on the playgrounds with less kids...."

Jim Jordan's Subcommittee can't seem to uncover any major revelations.....However, Jordon declared he'll show evidence that in the film "The FBI Story", James Stewart was NOT a real FBI agent but only an actor pretending to be one......more shockers to come.....

George Santos files paperwork to seek re-election....Santos also promised he would file lawsuits to re-instate his Nobel Peace Prize  and give Best Picture Oscar to the film he claims opened in 3000 theaters nationwide last year, "Every Lie, Everywhere, All At Once"

Georgia Gran Jury hears yet another Trump phone call where he put on pressure to overturn the election of Joe Biden.....according to one anonymous juror, Trump can clearly be heard promising thousands of My Pillow coupons to legislators who'll find him more votes........

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