Friday, November 18, 2022



            Trump announces his run for the Presidency in 2024,,,,,prompting the SyFy Channel to start immediate production on their new sci-fi-horror film, "Trump-Nado 3 - No Sharks, But Deadly Hot Air'.

             Rupert Murdoch's New York Post gives Trump's 2024 candidate declaration one single sentence at the bottom of the front page....("Florida man makes announcement...")  According to anonymous Post staffers, one sentence headlines also considered were "Trump fails to hug American flags behind him."  "Trumpty Dumpty Thinks He Has Balls", and "Worst sequel since 'Police Academy 3"...

               Twitter in disarray and near collapse as hundreds of employees quit rather than endure the horrors of working for Elon an inter-office memo, Musk warned all remaining employees that any further rebellion will result in cancellation of their Mars excursion and suspension of free recharging privileges for their Teslas......

              Marjorie Taylor Greene compares illegal immigrants coming into the U.S. to Russians invading Ukraine.......wasting no time, Russian leader Vladimir Putin awards Greene the Order of Lenin for exemplary service to Russia and books her a luxury penthouse suite at Moscow's finest hotel.....("She's welcome to stay any time, we spent years disinfecting the room, so you can hardly smell Trump's pee if you throw open the windows.....

Kari Lake threatens to contest her loss in Arizona Governor's race, using the "best and brightest" legal team......While Rudy Giuliani is busy preparing her lawsuit (under the title 'Fascist Barbi Vs.The State Of Arizona',  Mike Lindell offered the State's Supreme Court Judges a lifetime supply of My Pillows if they overturn the election.....

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