Friday, November 4, 2022



        I can't kid around about this......The United States Of America, the version we all grew up with, you know, the one created 246 years ago, way back in 1776....could go bye-bye on November 8th.  . 

          Democracy as we know it, might only have 5 days left. I can hardly believe I'm typing this. 

          If the worst comes to pass, the destruction of the 'Great American Experiment' will stand as Donald Trump's ultimate achievement. Like a slowly metastasizing cancer, he infected the country with hate, stupidity, corruption and a veritable death-dealing tsunami of lies.

           Like a depraved cult leader, he turned millions of formerly rational, intelligent Americans into mindless, soulless zombies.   And he fattened his wallet with their money while he weakened whatever was left of their minds.  At his Hitler-like rallies, he feeds them his steady diet of lies, which his minions gobble up like pigs in a trough.  And still do.

            The mind-boggling, horrifying irony of all this......MAGA was and is nothing more than another one of Trump's colossal grifts....a scam, just like Trump University and Trump steaks.. He believes none of the verbal excrement he spews out of his mouth to rev up his brainwashed Trumpanzees......

            Forever and always, Trump believes in nothing......only in whatever will guarantee him the greater glorification of Trump.  Above all else, Trump worships Trump.....everything else is a con, a come-on, a trick to part the suckers from their cash.....and their votes. 

           Tragically, even if truth, justice and accountability finally bring him to the jail time he's] richly deserved for decades, the irreparable damage he wreaked on the United States will take generations to repair and heal. 

            But as of now, there's no real guarantee any of that will happen.  Even worse, we've been forced to live in the warped Trumpian universe, where his crazed zombies, their addled minds poisoned by Trump and QAnon rubbish, seek out Trump's political foes to exact bloody vengeance.

           Trump's hands drip with the blood spilled by his goons....the blood of Capitol police and the blood that poured from the cracked skull of Nancy Pelosi's husband.  And make no mistake....consider it a preview of coming attractions....look up Nazi Germany in the history books.

            This imminent election is fraught with peril to democracy and the USA.....populated by GOP candidates of staggering ineptitude and idiocy.......election deniers, grifters, neo-Nazis and babbling imbeciles like Hershel Walker, espousing abortion bans while paying for his girlfriends abortions.

            They're all children of can tell by the way they won't believe any election results that declare them losers......(which they'll always be, even if they win....)

             Should the horror continue and they prevail.........prepare to adjust to living in a different country than the United States Of know the one I mean, the 1776 one. 

             Hasta La Vista, democracy.......we hardly knew ye.......Vote. And RESIST!


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