Wednesday, November 23, 2022


 Bodies Bodies Bodies (2022)    For anyone who thought that a kill-off-Gen-Z-slash-o-rama was long overdue, here's your movie at long last. 

              A whole bunch of entitled Zoomers plan to sit out an hurricane by partying at the mansion of the rich friend they all can't stand....(world famous high profile babe boffer Pete Davidson.)  And then a party game they unwisely choose to play ends up biting them in their collective asses. 

                Of course, it's a "murder" game where someone's assigned the role of killer and another given the part of their victim.......

                And to the surprise of nobody watching this, someone becomes a corpse for real......touching off a chain reaction of suspicion, hysteria......and to the surprise of of nobody watching this, the rapid accumulation of more dead bodies, bodies, bodies........

                The point of all this is......well, who knows. Or more to the point, who gives a **** anyway.  I suppose I could theorize that the film's declaring Zoomers as even dumber and more self-absorbed as millennials.....and therefore even more worthy of murderous karma.  

               But's that's only a a guess. And this movie isn't worth wasting a whole lot of time trying to figure out. 

                Come morning the movie plays its one ace card......the  finale where whoever's left alive faces a final twist dripping with the exaggerated irony of "Twilight Zone" episode.  (Or for those of you who hold some Jurassic Era memories, an O Henry short story......)

                 I could easily imagine the writers and director of this movie high fiving each other for their snarky, self-knowing sarcasm and what they no doubt considered the kick-in-the-teeth Big Twist Of The Year.

                 Sure you can enjoy "Bodies Bodies Bodies" on that basis.....

                 Or you can cheer it on at the sight of a high Gen Z body count.  Either way it never amounts to more than just another 2 & 1/2 star (**1/2) pile up of slash-test dummies.....

               (Happy Thanksgiving to one and all! And hoping your family get-together ends happier than the "Bodies" characters all night party.  Hint: avoid all political this day and age, nobody will ever convince anybody to see their point of view. Gnaw on the turkey leg and talk about your favorite moments in "A Christmas Story"........)

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