Wednesday, January 12, 2022


 This Little Family by Ines Bayard  (2020)     We're not sure 'recommend' is a word we'd use in reviewing this brief, grim and depressing thriller.......

             And we're not sure it falls into the category of 'thriller' either.......unless you consider yourself thrilled to watch a slow but steady autopsy.......

              The book follows, step by excruciating step, the physical and psychological  destruction of a a young, upscale Parisian woman who's just survived a horrifically brutal rape. 

              After suffering through an attack by her company's CEO, bank investment counselor Marie tries to piece back together her shattered body and no avail. 

              Her husband Laurent, a rising star divorce attorney, remains oblivious to Marie's inner torment of anger, shame and fear.........and not realizing what's happened to her, he celebrates the news of her sudden impending pregnancy. 

               Marie, filled with dread and loathing that her unborn child comes courtesy of her rapist, keeps the assault secret from Laurent, her immediate family and her in-laws......

                 But it isn't long before the cracks in her false  facade of normalcy begin to crumble and once her baby son's born, Marie can hardly hide that she despises the very sight of the infant......

               Essentially, the book becomes a dark, dark tour through the damaged, irrevocably broken recesses of Marie's mind.......and the ending to this story (already pre-ordained in its first chapter) contains one last twist to add to the accumulated misery.

               The author's primal shriek against male patriarchy is cold, exact and can refer to "This Little Family" as a sort of thriller, but what it really gives you is a deep dive into its lead character's personal hell.  

                We don't know if it qualifies as an 'entertaining' read.....we can only promise it'll stay with you for days......3 stars (***)

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