Friday, January 21, 2022


A Flicker In The Dark by Stacy Willingham (2021)     Hot damn!  We've got a whole new load of psychological thrillers to crack open and we can't wait to dive in to all the murders and twists, hoping they'll keep us up into the wee we can post the reviews for you as fast as we can......

            Here's the first, which only took us a few days to zip you know it's a goodie......

            The set up's familiar.......a character's tortured, tragic and horrifying past comes roaring back into the present to torment her. And it's Deja Vu all over again as freshly killed murder victims start popping up.

             Baton Rouge Psychologist-therapist Chloe Davis survived a childhood where her father was tried and convicted for the abduction and strangulation deaths of six teen girls. Not long after that, her mother's attempted suicide-by-hanging left the already crushed woman as a brain damaged invalid. 

             Chloe's tried to stay close to her overprotective older brother Cooper, who harbors deep, suspicious reservations about his little sister's  one year whirlwind romance with Daniel, a travelling pharma salesman.

              But Chloe's head over heels for Daniel and their wedding date is imminent, much to Cooper's displeasure.

              And then a couple of teen girls go missing and later found strangled, including one of Chloe's own young patients........whose body is left in the alley behind her office. The killer's also stolen a few personal jewelry trinkets off his victims.......the exact kind of items that years ago,  12 year old Chloe discovered among her father's belongings, which sealed his conviction and lifelong incarceration.  

              As evidence mounts that points to one individual in particular, Chloe enlists the aid of the investigative journalist digging into her past to embark on a perilous hunt for the serial killing copycat.....whoever that may or may not be.

               Here's where we follow our strict policy of stopping any further plot description......because if you're as familiar as we are with novels like this, you know for damn sure that multiple twists and surprises will start detonating in quick succession........and pull the rug out from any guesses you might have formulated about who's who and what's goin; on....... 

                First time novelist Stacy Willingham comes out of gate with a real page turner if you can never get enough up-all-night thrillers (like BQ), you'll want plop this one on your bedside reading table ASAP.....4 stars (****)

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