Monday, January 10, 2022


            Even without this non-stop onslaught of death, calamity, idiocy, miserable weather and random disaster, we still would hate January anway......because it's effin' January.......

             Nobody's kidding when they refer to this time of year as the dead of winter.......

             And speaking of deaths, the cruel perpetual obituaries never stop coming.....

eter Bogdanovich.(at age 82).....the film director, film critic and film historian lived an up' 'n downs life as wild as any star-crossed Hollywood actor. From the flavor-of-the-month director of "The Last Picture Show", "Paper Moon" and "What's Up Doc" to the reviled, shunned and ridiculed auteur of "Daisy Miller", "At Last Love" and "Nickelodeon"........with other films that fell somewhere in between those critical extremes, like "Saint Jack", "Mask" and "They All Laughed".  (not to mention his longtime friendship and creative collaboration with Orson Welles......a turbulent, fascinating life, for sure.

Sidney Poitier (at age 94)  The legendary groundbreaker, cinema's very first black superstar who for decades carried the enormous weight of that mantle all by himself, blazing the trail for all who followed. If if that wasn't enough, he was also the most kind hearted, gentlemanly soul who ever drew breath, still managing to become an icon in a field littered with rampant egotism and unbridled greed. A true giant has left us.

Bob Saget (at age 65)   A comedian equally beloved by his fellow comics and the wide variety of audiences he entertained........we don't know of any other comic actor whose separate personas could leave disparate demographics in helpless laughter.  For families who gathered together round the television, he was the rapid fire silly host of "America's Funniest Videos" and the gentle dad of "Full House'......for the stand-up comedy crowds, his blistering, insanely ribald X-rated routines could leave them in gasping, giggling hysteria. (It's as if he could adeptly function as both Lenny Bruce and Bob Hope all at the same time, depending on which crowd sat in front of that regard, a true original....)

Dwayne Hickman (at age 87)    How well Baby Boomers know and love him from the 1959-1963 TV show "The Many Loves Of Dobie Gillis".....playing the eternal lovesick high schooler Dobie, forever perplexed by his futile Quixote-like pursuit of the unattainable golden girl Thalia Menninger (Tuesday Weld) Hickman's sweet nerd-ish middle class crew-cut boy and his show functioned as a finale item for a 1950's time capsule.....the last gasp of a more innocent age. (It's fitting the show ended a few months before JFK's assassination, ushering in more turbulent, violent, chaotic era.)  And fitting that as the 60's progressed, Tuesday Weld continued to play variations of Thalia Menninger, with other actors playing the unlucky fools doomed in their quest for her affections....

                That's more than enough death for the first two weeks of the year, so let's move on to even more madness.......

If a Golden Globe award fell in the forest where nobody could hear it, would it make a sound?  The disgraced notoriously corrupt and, banned-from-TV awards show happened out of sight, except for a flurry of tweets. Pardon us, but we feel all empty inside.......because, steaming pile of dung that it was, we loved us some Globes.   We miss watching drunken, shmoozing celebrities approach the podium and indulge in orgies of shameless, preening self-congratulation........with the exciting promise of more than one of them saying something stupid, embarrassing and buzzed about the next morning. The Globes were always a joke, a clown-car collection of Hollywood bottom-feeders who'd hand out any award to the highest bidder........but sadly, in this new era of wokeness, they could no longer be tolerated, which meant farewell to their annual shit-show on network television........sigh. Bye bye Globies.......each year, we'll guzzle a cocktail in remembrance.......

Ted Cruz grovels before Tucker Carlson  on national television......we're beginning to think that no political cartoon caricature of Cruz can do justice to the incredible, spineless spectacle of the real Cruz.......this simpering, whimpering toady, this worm-like minion who licks Trump's ass, even after Trump called his wife ugly and his father possibly responsible for JFK's assassination.  Maybe the Oxford English Dictionary should use Cruz's photo as an illustration of the word, 'invertebrate'......


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