Friday, July 2, 2021


           Head for the shelters and stay off the top floors, here comes a category 5 whirlwind of weekly wackiness.....

            Come to think of it, if you're in Florida, stay off any floor.......

Trump Organization indicted......Defense strategy has already been prepared. Claims the ex-President, "I only worked there very briefly as a coffee boy.....I've no idea why they put my name on the buildings and the letterhead. You'd have to ask them about that...."

Donald Trump Jr. compares the indictments to Putin assassinating his opponents.....once again assuring that Zoological societies across the country will once again name Jr. as "Larva Of The Year."

Ted Cruz contemplates a 2024 Presidential run......despite ex-President Trump releasing this statement: "His wife's still as stone cold ugly as Medusa from "Clash Of The Titans".....and people are saying his dad was seen skulking around the Dallas Book Depository on the day Kennedy was shot. I've heard that from many people!"

Bill Cosby goes an extra get-out-of-jail bonus prize, the Pennsylvania Supreme Court throws in a complimentary gift basket of roofies and wine, suitable to Cosby to use for any intimate social interactions with women. 

Phylicia Rashad celebrates Cosby's release in a tweet.....and reiterates her opinion that those 60 women must have sedated, undressed and raped themselves after having a few drinks with Cosby.  In related news, Amazon, E-Bay and The Gap sell close to 800,00 of the much in demand T-shirt that reads, "Bye, Phylicia..."

Supreme Court backs up Arizona voting restrictions..... with the Conservative justices writing, in their opinion, ".....we've all seen what happens when you let all those various multi-colored people get their hands on ballots, those uppit Those uppity bastards voted like this country was a democracy. High time we nipped this in the bud."

Bill Barr says Trump screamed "You must hate Trump!" at him when he told Trump the 'election steal' was bullshit.......Barr also said he breathed an enormous sigh of relief when Trump pushed the red button on his desk to open the trap door to the Piranha pool but it failed to work properly........

Delta variant of Covid runs rampant among unvaccinated people in Trump-friendly Red states.....the remaining Trump advisors reportedly drew straws as to who's going to tell him that the Delta variant will thin out numbers of  potential anti-vaxx Trump voters in 2024......

Trump rally cancelled due to its being an obvious partisan event......possibly because one of the planned activities involved Trump declaring he'll build a wall around black neighborhoods and lead the rally crowd in chanting "Lock them up! Lock them up!"

Donald Rumsfeld dies.....well, we thought we'd finish this wrap-up with at least one, positive, feel good story to kick off the holiday with a satisfied smile........

BQ visitors, enjoy a wonderful and safe holiday weekend !


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