Thursday, February 25, 2021


 Music (2021)    A perfect example of what happens when a celebrity's bubble of fantasy is pierced and shredded by cold, cold reality.......

               You can think of 'Music' as the debris left over from the piercing......

                Like most rational people, we had no plans to ever subject ourselves to this film.......on the basis that, ya is short.  Why waste it on a worthless movie.

                 Then again, how could we pass it up, what with the all the controversy and animosity swirling around it?   After all, don't we maintain a blog for our film and book reviews?

                So in the interest of our never ending pursuit of oddball movies....(and they don't get any more oddball than this one), we steeled ourselves for a viewing of 'Music'.....God help us.

                 Let's not blah-blah-blah before handing out the rating. Yes, it more than lives up to its reputation as a cringe-inducing festival of humiliation and embarrassment for everyone connected to it, especially its writer-director, the one and only be-wigged popstar Sia. 

                  It's a bona fide, unquestionable ABOMINATION FROM HELL.

                  Where do we even begin with this atrocity?   Okay, we've got to start somewhere so we'll start with a head-shaved Kate Hudson as a free-spirited, recovering booze 'n drug addict. She looks and sounds like a 14 year old boy who's been chuggin' too many Red Bulls.

                   Kate's grandmom (Mary Kay Place) drops dead, leaving Kate with custody of Kate's severely autistic half-sister, 'played'  (or we really should say 'performed') by young dancer Maddie Ziegler, the star of Sia's bizarre music videos, some of which uncomfortably sexualized Ziegler.

                  Under Sia's utterly insensitive direction,  Ziegler plays the role with the same goofy, loony facial expressions she affects for the the director's videos.  It's a spectacularly stupid, clueless thing to do.......and earned Sia the well deserved outrage and disgust she received from people on the autism scale. 

                   Perhaps she thought that the cartoonish, energetic musical sequences that the film frequently breaks into would somehow charm and delight audiences into forgiving and forgetting the overall repulsiveness of the rest of it.

                  Taken away from the context of the film itself, those numbers might have provided some entertainment for YouTube surfers of music videos.  They're typical Sia concoctions, with lots of herky-jerky dancers in nutty costumes and centered around Ziegler and her funny faces. 

                   And that's exactly where they belong.......isolated from the dumb, toxic film that currently surrounds them. 

                    We'll not torture ourselves (and you, dear BQ visitors) by describing the film in any detail.....only to say it's clearly the work of someone who has no connection to real life as we know it. 

                   For fans of Sia and Maddie Ziegler, the musical sequences are worth a long as you can stream 'em on a free venue.  

                    As for the whole disasterpiece of the film.......refer to our rating in the middle of this post.


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