Friday, February 19, 2021


                 Anyone really believe 2021 would turn out less insane than last year?   Heh, heh, heh, heh, heh..

                 Ted Cruz......We stand in awe of that Trumpty stands de-twittered and exiled to Florida, who would replace him as the most repulsive, cowardly, obnoxious immoral shithead in the public eye?

                  Leave it to the Cruz-inator to step up to the plate, doubling down on sleaze, slime and proving there's no bottom to his empty soul.  He made Trump's pitching paper towels at suffering Puerto Ricans look like small change.  How could any Senator top flying off to Cancun while the people of his state brush icicles off their ceilings and boil snow for fresh water?  Genius!

                  Could the mighty Teddy top himself after that?   Could he sink even lower?  No, no, no....he wouldn't, would  he?  Would he actually put the blame on his own young daughters for forcing him to jet to the beach?  No human being would sink so low as to throw his own children under the bus, would they?  Would they? 

                  You da man, Ted-meister! When all else fails, drop a dime on those little brats......

                Rush Limbaugh    Pardon us......we need a moment to compose ourselves......such overwhelming grief we feel at the passing of a monument to truth, justice, compassion....a tireless defender of the weak, the disenfranchised, the downtrodden........

                 Oh how we dearly mourn.....Abraham Lincoln.

                 Oh wait......did you think we were referring to Rush?  Rush, the racist, misogynist, Neo Nazi fat, forever lying,  drug addicted bully?   You thought we meant Rush, the polluter and poisoner of political conversation, the stupid, acid-tongued asshole who paved the way for Trump and his Kool-Aid drinking cultists? 

                 We can only hope and pray that his last breath was a desperate, labored, wheezing whine, as he clutched his Trump-awarded Medal Of Freedom in his chubby little digits.  

                 Rest in Hell,  Rushy.

                 Mitch reminds us of the Daleks, those rolling mechanical salt shakers that constantly menaced Dr. Who........They bark out a lot of pronouncements, but deep inside the metal casing, there's nothing but a gooey, squishy creature.....completely devoid of a spine.

                  In a breathtaking Profile In Un-Courage, Mitchy oozed out of his shell to condemn Trump......after voting to acquit him.  What a guy.....what a hero....what a.....Republican. That says it all.

                   The Queen de-royals Prince Harry and Meghan......said the Queen, "Take that you f***ing ingrates!  You're fired!  You can still attend my next birthday, when I turn 142, but no fruit cup! And don't think I won't catch you if you try to sneak one out of the palace."

                   Trump whines he got a smaller steak at his own D.C. hotel..... While still serving as our nation's Toddler-In-Chief, Baby Orange threw a tantrum when he thought his steak was smaller than the one served to his dinner guest.    Stormy Daniels was heard to remark......"....well, that makes sense....everything about Trump is kinda small.....if you get my drift....."

                 Great weekend to one and all.....stay safe, stay warm, stay sane........


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